Featured Culture Politics

What To Do With Young Voters ?

I just want to introduce a young lady  (Her name removed at the authors request) that walked into a discussion I was involved in on Twitter yesterday. Throughout the week people have been calling for young people to get out and register to vote. The call came from more moderate sections of the community on Social media, and that includes us at The Dangerous Globe. For some reason the notoriously extremely right
Theresa Trump

Fifty Shades of Magnolia

As we enter the second week of the 'most important general election of a generation' according to Theresa May, and a phrase never over used, she still has not demurred from her 'Fifty Shades of Magnolia' platitudes, promising absolutely nothing, and likely to deliver very much less for the hard working families that her lousy party has impoverished. The one highlight in this “B4 election (Biased Brexit Based Bullshit) is
Theresa May

Prime Ministers No-Questions Time

So all the excitement of a General Election is upon us, assuming your excitement is derived from listening to a women who looks more at home in a Tena Lady advert, repeatedly failing to tell us why we are having an election. It seems todays blame story is the opposition to Brexit in the Palace of Westminster, I am sure you remember them, they are ones who triggered Article 50
Culture News Politics

Has Monty Python Hijacked The News ?

Recently the news has been so scary, we have been struggling to laugh at even the Donald. His press "conferences", command of the English language (or lack thereof), posturing and ridiculous hair are usually hilarious, (while simultaneously terrifying), but nothing compares to yesterdays news. In fact, we are convinced that Monty Python hijacked the news on the 19th of April 2017, much to my and I am sure everyones delight. [caption id="attachment_637" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Donald being
News Politics

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em.

I have decided this week that I shall become bigoted and totally insensitive, and adopt the personality of a fully-fledged fuckwit, simply to enable Rupert Murdoch (The man with the craggy face reminiscent of a Pickled Pensioners ballbag) to give me a job spouting vicious inane twaddle…….and all for a modest £300k/p.a. (I was joking about the £300k though, I would do it for half the price)  It does beg
Donald and Boris

Tweets, Twats and Theresa. God Help Us All.

The main story of the week is all about bombing, no not bombing of Syria by Top Trump (which the hypocritical bastard criticised Obama for, demanding congressional approval) - but Boris “Bojo” Johnsons photo bombing of President Putin while attired in a Swedish chef's hat with fishnet stockings and suspenders. Well it would have panned out like that, probably, if Theresa May hadn't pulled his Moscow trip after realising that
Finance Politics

Not A Happy Meal In Sight.

It's been a week that was a tale of two Donald's, neither of which are a “Happy Meal”, for the people of the world. The car crash presidency stumbles along like a knackered three-wheeled golf cart, stuffed with bloated; factious; wig wearing; knuckle dragging dullards, and now our only hope is impeachment of The Donald, which seems as likely as R2-D2 being able to find a geriatric Jedi in the
Truth and Lies
Politics Terrorism

No Irony There Then

After a truly dreadful week in Westminster, those giants of political fuckwittery Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttal are once again on the BBC to advise us on how we stop a 52 year old extremist preacher of hate from Kent. No irony there then. Of course they believe you can stop terrorism by creating a feeling of hate and with the destruction of multiculturalism, which makes about as much sense
Fraud News Politics

UKIP, Dead but won’t lie down, (the gift that keeps on taking).

Meet Richard Billington, a UKIPPER of very little principle, and judging by the Emails he puts his name to, he is a complete and utter moron. From his pre-election blurb: - Richard, who lives in Foxton near Market Harborough, taught for 14 years and now runs a financial services limited company. He joined UKIP in 1990. Richard, said: “Should you elect me, my focus would be to serve the electorate
Business News Politics

Revolving Door fantasy

George(Gideon)Osborne hit the revolving door when it was spinning at full tilt He mis-timed his run and had to throw himself in to avoid injury, he had set the controls for Fleet Street, somewhere between the Telegraph and the Times. Blam!, his body hit the spinning glass and he was propelled through at incredible speed, crashing to the pavement dazed As he came to, he looked up and a cold