News Globalisation Politics

How Globalisation and Neoliberalisms Evolution Have Created a Monster

­­­­The terms globalisation, humanism and neoliberalism have been significantly altered throughout recent history. The official Oxford dictionary defines humanism as: an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems. Many decades ago after personally dissecting the meaning of
Justice News Politics

The Robert Koch Institute

Main Photograph 07.08.2024 - by snapshot-photography/F.Boillot - The RKI protocols suggest: The country's highest epidemic authority was above all a mouthpiece for politics. This is an Q & A interview by journalist, Stefan Rehder, from the Roman Catholic Tagespost, or Daily Post, a German newspaper, with Stefan Homburg, emeritus professor of public finance at the Leibniz University of Hanover. Sen Ed Dangeorous Globe, Tony Broomfield The Robert Koch Institute is the
Featured Politics Society War

Darfur, Sudan: The Calamity a World Forgot

The first time I heard of this vast, yet remote region tucked into the southwest corner of the African country of Sudan was in 2003. I wasn't nearly as educated, or entirely interested in geopolitics back then. Being a 19 year old aspiring writer with little education, guidance or even an idea of what I wanted to write about, I was in the midst of some heavy soul searching. The
Politics Featured

‘Voto Segreto’ – the ‘Secret Vote’

We came across Roleigh Martin a few days ago, on X, with this long and interesting read on an old voting system the 'Voto Segreto' - the 'Secret Vote', that apparently originated in Italy and was used with some success for 70 odd years between 1848 and 1922. I confess a long lasting and ongoing desire to build a truly democratic society, a citizens society, free of vested interests and
Corruption Featured Finance Politics

Chatham House

POWER AND CORRUPTION: THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE IMPERIAL MAFIA Posted on May 15, 2024 by Paul Cudenec   Chatham House, the name commonly given to The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an extremely influential “think tank” based in London.  It has enjoyed the patronage of the British monarchy for a century now, with Charles III recently joining the list of royal backers. Director Bronwen Maddox said on May 9 2024: “Chatham House
Trump vs Biden 2.0
Featured Media Politics

Will Biden-Trump Rematch Signal the End of Two Party System?

The overwhelming majority of the approximately 240 million Americans who voted in the 2020 Presidential election will surely experience an uneasy sense of deja Vu and feelings of dread come November 2024. (Pew Research). Those who will attempt to honor their patriotic duty and participate in the next election cycle will be left with two unenviable choices. A dreaded rematch between an 81 year old incumbent, whose become nothing more
U.S. Mexico Border
Featured Politics Society

The U.S. Mexico Border: A Tainted History of Prejudice, Exploitation and Broken Policies

"Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery." (Jack Paar) I felt it necessary to begin with a poignant quote in this attempt to make sense of the century long travesty that has been America's immigration policy . Since it's inception the United States has prided it's self on welcoming the world's downtrodden, I don't feel the need to quote the Statue of Liberty's famous statement of acceptance. Those very prolific
Nato Russia Ukraine WW3
Featured Politics Propaganda Terrorism War

Survivors Guide to a Breakout of World War III

A warm welcome back to Robert after a short absence from our pages. As anyone would expect, Robert is viewing his subject from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, while I am observing it from mainland Europe. There are aspects to this issue that Robert and I see in a different light, but his overall 'Take' on the abominable prospect of the world slipping into WW2 after 80 years