The Mind Plague Series

By Luke Andreski 

Mind Plague

About Luke Andreski

Luke Andreski is co-founder of the @EthicalRenewal and EthicalIntelligence.Org cooperatives. His books include Ethical Intelligence (2019), an antidote to fake news and media bias, Intelligent Ethics (2019), defining an alternative moral code for the 21st Century, and Short Conversations: During the Plague (2020), looking at populism, democracy and climate change.

Luke is a campaigner for social justice and the environment, with a keen interest in political and moral philosophy and the Dangerous Globe is very lucky to have him on board and letting us publish his work. His current project is a second volume of Short Conversations, where he looks at a society on auto-self-destruct and addresses the comms war waged by governments across the globe against their own populations.

He has also very generously allowed the Dangerous Globe to provide his latest eBook as a free download. “Our Society is Sick but Here’s the Cure” by Luke Andreski is available for download here…

The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 2014 – 2019 The Labour Party, March 2019 Below is the full report of 851 pages,…

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This was in my Email box this morning and the sheer intensity of it made it imperative I post it here too. We have been following Normal Island News from…

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­­­­The terms globalisation, humanism and neoliberalism have been significantly altered throughout recent history. The official Oxford dictionary defines humanism as: an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to…

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Victoria Nuland admits US told Ukraine to abandon peace talks in March 2022 She didn’t feel the Istanbul deal was good enough This piece was written by Anti-imperial Nexus is…

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­­­ When examining American society as a whole there’s a plethora of character defects that immediately come to mind, there is wide ranging laundry list… infatuation with assault weapons, an…

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….and children in sunshine bright. An old mate of some 50 years standing passed away the weekend before last. Jim Keenan had been quite ill for a while but was…

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Main Photograph 07.08.2024 – by snapshot-photography/F.Boillot – The RKI protocols suggest: The country’s highest epidemic authority was above all a mouthpiece for politics. This is an Q & A interview…

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A report using published EUDRA stats on COVID Vaccines in Europe 2024. Taking a look at EUDRA-VIGILANCE. The Database of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). I am known for my…

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The first time I heard of this vast, yet remote region tucked into the southwest corner of the African country of Sudan was in 2003. I wasn’t nearly as educated,…

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Introduction ( By Dangerous Globe Sen Editor) A great piece we picked up on the wires from Alison Bevege in Australia about a TV program that opened up a can…

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Introduction ( By Dangerous Globe Sen Editor) This post came in through our non-paying subscription to James Ruguskis Substack. We subscribe to many folk there and cannot possibly afford to…

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Our Book Review of Short Conversations About Everything  That Matters; Volume 2 is here…

Below is the previous series of “Short Conversations”

If you would like to purchase any of Lukes books (and who doesn’t prefer reading hard copies), here are links to his Authors page on Amazon, or here is his authors page on


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