Truth and Lies
Politics Terrorism

No Irony There Then

After a truly dreadful week in Westminster, those giants of political fuckwittery Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttal are once again on the BBC to advise us on how we stop a 52 year old extremist preacher of hate from Kent. No irony there then. Of course they believe you can stop terrorism by creating a feeling of hate and with the destruction of multiculturalism, which makes about as much sense
Ikea Protest
Business Environment Finance


Did you know that there are more IKEA catalogues printed than bibles each year ? Hallelujah! Some love IKEA for cheap but more or less well designed furniture and even cheaper hotdogs, while others are a little more critical towards the mega forest munching concern. One of said critics is a truck driver named Emilian. The Romanian told the BBC that he drives for IKEA (but of course he is
Fraud News Politics

UKIP, Dead but won’t lie down, (the gift that keeps on taking).

Meet Richard Billington, a UKIPPER of very little principle, and judging by the Emails he puts his name to, he is a complete and utter moron. From his pre-election blurb: - Richard, who lives in Foxton near Market Harborough, taught for 14 years and now runs a financial services limited company. He joined UKIP in 1990. Richard, said: “Should you elect me, my focus would be to serve the electorate
Business News Politics

Revolving Door fantasy

George(Gideon)Osborne hit the revolving door when it was spinning at full tilt He mis-timed his run and had to throw himself in to avoid injury, he had set the controls for Fleet Street, somewhere between the Telegraph and the Times. Blam!, his body hit the spinning glass and he was propelled through at incredible speed, crashing to the pavement dazed As he came to, he looked up and a cold
President Cat

Article 30 2.0

Obviously there have only been two stories in the news this week... A US state attempting to make being a wanker illegal, (whilst not placing Trump in the state penitentiary) and Kellyanne Conway thinking that a microwavable baked potato had been spying on her boss. She maybe didn't say that, but hey, it makes just as much sense any way you look at it. Seriously though, as Brexit boredom enters
Philip Handbag Hammond
Finance Politics

Handbag Hammond’s Budget Backhanders

Well it has been a funny old week in British politics, unless of course you were unfortunate enough to hear Philip Hammond's budget funnies. His budget made as much sense as a Louise Mensch Sunday Politics interview,.. and she makes David Icke appear rational. So as the wheels fell off the budget, and 'Spreadshit' Phil became as popular with Tory backbenchers as Douglas Carswell at a Nigel Farage dinner, the
Culture Politics

The Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn – a reply to Owen Jones by Tom London

Owen Jones has written an article this week in the Guardian calling on Jeremy Corbyn to stand down. I take what Jones says seriously but I think he is wrong. Some may dismiss what Jones says by attacking the man and not the argument. Jones himself anticipates this - “The party’s warring factions now refuse to accept that differing opinions are expressed in good faith - there have to be
Featured Politics War

That’s Quite Enough Donald

You may have noticed that there has not been a great deal of "The Donalds" news on The Dangerous Globe recently, as there are far more important "goings-on" to report, than the rantings of a deranged geriatric. That said, we have taken an exception to his recent comments on the US needing more nuclear warheads, so hence a little article on this big subject. We all know the problem, or the Catch 22, when
Sutton FC Wayne Shaw eating a pie
Football Fraud

Betting Scandal in FA Cup

Brits love betting, football and pie in equal measure and all three were in full effect when fifth division Sutton United hosted Premiership giants Arsenal in the FA Cup (which as any self respecting football fan knows, is still the best competition in the world bar none). Sutton's second goalkeeper Wayne Shaw, is shall we say, a bit on the larger side than your usual footballer so a betting provider