Environment Politics

Fukushima, the slowest, most catastrophic train wreck in the world.

On the morning of 12th March 2011, I reported for work on the Seismic exploration crew I was working on in S.E. Asia. At breakfast there was a lot of talk about a massive earthquake that had happened the previous day and was so strong that it had obliterated several seismic records we had made at the time. Considering that we were using explosives drilled into solid rock, that’s not

A couple of days ago I couldn’t even spell Precariat, now I am one

I learned a new word yesterday, ... Precariat, which Wiki defines as “In sociology and economics, the precariat is a social class formed by people suffering from precarity, which is a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare.” This class has been tagged as “The New Dangerous Class”, in the blog Working Class perspectives, which appeared in October 2014, just as the book entitled A
News War

The Answer is “7”

Here’s a clue, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, & Somalia. Got it? They are the places America is currently bombing. Something stinks in America, it’s the media, the unelected war-hawks of the Pentagon, and the $Trillion US arms Industry. The “conflicts” in the countries are all about getting rid of governments the war-hawks don’t like, and the US has spent $4 Trillion waging these “phony” wars, that the Congress