Our society is sick but here's the cure
Mind Plague News Politics


The attack You are under attack. We all are. This isn’t conspiracy theory. It’s plain common sense. Why else would political parties and corporations spend tens of millions on political and commercial advertising? Why else would the PR industry exist? It’s an extended brain hack – and the brain they’re hacking into is yours.   Universality Advertising, the news media, social and political commentators, television celebrities, influencers, politicians – they’re
News HIstory Politics

A Child of Thatcher

We would like to introduce Dr Bethany Usher to our pages, and post her view of the Thatcher years which she published on her blog in 2013.  We take the view that a great deal of what is taking place today has been as a direct result of the "Thatcher Years", which many of our younger readers may well have heard about but never experienced first hand. Many thanks to
Syrian War
News Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3 - Assad the Puppet, US/Israeli Bombs and No Future On March 15th, 2021 it became 10 years since a war which was born out of the Arab Spring with hopes of overthrowing dictator Bashar Al-Assad and wound up becoming something so much more complex, involving several world powers, numerous proxies and militias, as well as the most brutally barbaric terrorist
News Health Politics

The Enigma of Covid

The date was December 19, 2019, the location, an institute of virology in Wuhan, China, where the most significant and deadly pandemic in more than a century was released upon an unsuspecting, unprepared planet (dates courtesy of brittannica.com). The source of the Covid virus is still very much a mystery. Did it really originate and spread from a meat market in the center of the city of the Wuhan, China?
Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918
News Health Politics

The Pandemic Epidemic

This piece is sincerely dedicated to everybody out there that honestly believes the events of the last 2 years are somehow a remarkable and unusual series of events. I am probably older than many of our readers and can assure you that I have witnessed most of the incidents you are about to read about. (except the bit about the 1918 Spanish/American Flu. I am not 104 years old.) 1918
Free Julian Assange
News Media Politics

Debunking All The Assange Smears

Have you ever noticed how whenever someone inconveniences the dominant western power structure, the entire political/media class rapidly becomes very, very interested in letting us know how evil and disgusting that person is? It’s true of the leader of every nation which refuses to allow itself to be absorbed into the blob of the US-centralized power alliance, it’s true of anti-establishment political candidates, and it’s true of WikiLeaks founder Julian
Saudi Oil
Featured Politics War

Saudi Arabia: Human Rights, Oil and the Modern Monarchy

2019 in Saudi Arabia, one of the richest nations in the world, to be a female today must've felt like you were back in 8th century. Despite promised reforms by the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (being of the opposite sex meant) you couldn't drive a car, travel without a male guardian or report sexual abuse by a spouse/ partner. According to Amnesty international, laws weren't just draconian for women.
Short Conversations About Everything That Matters: Volume Two - During The Storm
Featured Literature Politics

Book Review: Short conversations about everything that matters

Book Review: Short Conversations about everything that matters; Volume 2 During the Storm by Luke Andreski, Author and Philosopher. ISBN 9798762047951 Second book in the series “Short Conversations” by Luke, and a very important book for anyone slightly interested in making sense of Planet Earth 2021. To begin with, let me explain that we at The Dangerous Globe, came across Luke Andreski over a year ago, during our own search for
Fake Left Vaccine Gang
Covid 19 News Politics

Who’s behind the fake-left vaccine gang?

WHO’S BEHIND THE FAKE-LEFT VACCINE GANG ? A group of mask-wearing protesters in Brisbane, Australia, are gathered behind a banner bearing the words “Pro Vaccine, Pro Health, Anti Fascist” – a nonsensically self-contradictory combination of labels if ever there was one. Using an aggressive tone traditionally reserved for arms dealers, corporate politicians and actual fascists, a woman expresses her hatred for Australians who have taken to the streets to oppose