State Surveillance
Featured Politics Society

Surveillance Capitalism and It’s Effect on the Citizens of the World

In an age where the right to privacy continues to be relegated to an antiquated notion, whether it's governments spying on it's citizens or corporations watching your every move, our lives seem forever compromised. Surveillance Capitalism is defined as: An economic system centered around the capture and commodification of personal data for purpose of profit. Google and You Tube are two of the most egregious examples of this ever growing,
American Political Tragedy
Featured Media Politics

January 6th: Portrait of an American Travesty

The January 6th insurrection was an American travesty and the pinnacle of Trumpism. The vile, xenophobic, reactionary effects Donald Trump and his policies had on these Far-Right hooligans came to a deadly, super-violent head that day. The riots were responsible for seven deaths, including Capitol Hill Police officers and Trump supporters. The footage of Capitol Hill Police so grossly outnumbered by the flag waiving rabble seemed too have a heavier
Featured Corruption Fake News Media Politics

BBC: The Propaganda Prostitutes Part 1

Introduction In the last 15 years of my working life I found myself reading books again, after a bookless half century. It was my work schedule that I have to thank for it. I became a consultant in the geophysical industry travelling worldwide, to places very remote, living in caravans, portacabins, ships and tents. Long hours in the evening needed filling. Passing through Amsterdams Schiphol airport, sometimes 4 times a
Corruption Featured HIstory Politics Terrorism

Canada and the Ukraine

Dangerous Globe Foreword If you are not sure what Banderites and Banderism refer to its about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian politician and there is a short explanation of him and the movement at the end of this page. The entire piece which follows is the reproduction of a piece by Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet.Org under a Commons sharing Licence. (license CC BY-NC-ND) For the record, The Dangerous Globe is a
Russia vs Ukraine
Featured Media Politics War

Russia vs Ukraine: War Crimes, Propaganda and the Scourge of Modern Warfare

Russia vs Ukraine. We hear so many reports of genocide and war crimes from the iron tentacles of the Mainstream Media you'd think Mariupol is comparable to Riga, Latvia circa 1941. And folks it's certainly far from that. I've seen the footage from Bucha, whom do we believe when anyone with a camera and youtube account these days are deemed journalists? The reports from "professional" news source, Reuters are at
Featured Business Politics

Demise of the Petrodollar

If you're not quite sure what the Petrodollar is, it's pretty uncomplicated. Back in the 1970's, at the height of the oil crisis, United States President Richard Nixon conceived an economic master plan. He offered to help defend Saudi Arabia from their burgeoning Middle East rivals. In exchange for that promise, the Saudi kingdom assured all of its oil production be traded in USD ( This strategic stroke of genius
Small acts of resistance
Featured Politics Short Conversation Society

Small Acts of Resistance – A Users Guide

Is it time? Peaceful protest suppressed. Brutal policing encouraged. A divisive Home Secretary. A deceitful PM. An increasingly sham democracy.   Tell me, is it time to rebel?   A Resistance Library Here are 67 small acts of resistance from @EthicalRenewal on Twitter, documented by the Ethical Renewal collective alongside followers and friends. Any selection may be suitable to your personal circumstances, or none at all. @EthicalRenewal are anti-authoritarian pacifists,
Featured Politics War

Twelve Thoughts on Ukraine

Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine. by Going Rogue with Caitlin Johnstone.   Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the goal of which he claims is not to occupy the country but to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” it. We've no reason to put blind faith in any of those claims. Only time will tell. As of this writing dozens have reportedly been killed so far. All war is horrific. We can only hope that