Lots of Attennas
Reports Corruption Fake News Propaganda

Propaganda 102 SLIMING the Public

I was recently working on a piece about 5G communications and came across a small gem of a book written by Susan Pockett, a researcher from New Zealand. It is called “Electrosmog” (2021) and if you are at all interested in the 5G “discussion” you can download it here In Chapter 4 of the book Susan discusses the strategies used by Telecom Corporations and their pet PR/lobby group soldiers to
Featured Corruption Fake News Media Politics

BBC: The Propaganda Prostitutes Part 1

Introduction In the last 15 years of my working life I found myself reading books again, after a bookless half century. It was my work schedule that I have to thank for it. I became a consultant in the geophysical industry travelling worldwide, to places very remote, living in caravans, portacabins, ships and tents. Long hours in the evening needed filling. Passing through Amsterdams Schiphol airport, sometimes 4 times a