Featured Short Conversation War

Questions we should all be asking about the Ukraine war

There are questions we urgently need to ask about the Russia–Ukraine war. Questions which are important for all of us, because this war holds in it the seeds of our future, whether for good or bad. How we respond to the war as individuals and as nations depends on the answers we give, so I urge you to think in depth about your responses. I don’t offer answers of my
Small acts of resistance
Featured Politics Short Conversation Society

Small Acts of Resistance – A Users Guide

Is it time? Peaceful protest suppressed. Brutal policing encouraged. A divisive Home Secretary. A deceitful PM. An increasingly sham democracy.   Tell me, is it time to rebel?   A Resistance Library Here are 67 small acts of resistance from @EthicalRenewal on Twitter, documented by the Ethical Renewal collective alongside followers and friends. Any selection may be suitable to your personal circumstances, or none at all. @EthicalRenewal are anti-authoritarian pacifists,
Featured Environment Science Short Conversation

A short conversation about what governments must do to tackle climate change

  Question What would you think of a government which allows its own people to die? I’m asking as friend.   Judgement “A government which allows its own people to die?” You ponder for a moment. “I’m not exactly sure… They’d be negligent, wouldn’t they? And immoral? And definitely dangerous!”   It looks to me as if we’re thinking along the same lines… Negligent, yes. Immoral, definitely. And dangerous… Yes,
News Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about violence

1: A crap idea “Violence,” you say, “is the last refuge of the incompetent.” I can only agree. It’s a great saying. Whose is it? “Isaac Asimov, I  think. I’m not sure.” The science fiction writer? “Yes.” I love the guy.1 He said a lot of great stuff. Have spacesuit. Will travel. “No, that was Heinlein.” Ah. Right-wing libertarian Heinlein. I loved a lot of his stuff, too.2 Starship Troopers. Stranger In A
Socialism Politics Short Conversation

A short conversation about how to rebel

A short conversation about how to rebel 1: Strange times We are living in strange times. What’s a person to make of today’s world? Climate change. Pandemics. Economic recession. Populism. Nationalism. Argument. Division. A sense of imminent doom. When did it all begin to go so wrong? Governments are untrustworthy, negligent, corrupt. The media lies1. Corporations and big business draw ever closer to their ideal: profit at whatever cost. People and
News Corruption Finance Short Conversation

A short conversation about the economy

1: Enemy Let’s talk about the economy. You agree: “A logical next step.” Would you mind if I’m blunt? “Fire away.” It’s shit. “The economy?” Yes. “Well, that is blunt.” You ponder for a moment, then ask, “Is this another of your enemies?” The economy? “Yes.” An enemy to humanity and the biological world? “Yes.” I hope, by the time this conversation is complete, you’ll tell me.   2: Taking the good
Business Featured Short Conversation

A short conversation about corporations

1: World killers Let’s talk about corporations. “Corporations?” I can see you’re dubious. “Aren’t corporations a little dull?” Dull? I wish it were so.   Corporations are our enemies. They’re enemies of humanity. They’re enormously dangerous – and they’re killing our world. What could possibly be dull about that?   “Well, ok, but aren’t you now being a little extreme?” Dull? Extreme? Which is it? Let’s keep talking. Let’s see
Environment Featured Pollution Short Conversation

A short conversation about why we should be scared

1: Ringing the alarm The environment. Hm. Let’s not get alarmist.   2: Soil So… humanity’s likely to run out of soil within 40 to 60 years1. Well, that could get pretty grim, I imagine. Starving children. Desperate families. Mass migrations. Not a pretty picture. Have you seen the film The Road2?   3: Water Water is also an issue. Changing weather patterns – driven by global warming – will
News Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about how we got into this political sh*tfest

1: Where it went wrong “So,” you ask me, “how did it all turn to shit?” What, precisely? “This! This world of ours!” I nod sagely, as if I’ve a clue what you’re asking. Luckily you barely pause for breath. “What happened to our dreams of caring for one another, of making this world fairer and kinder for everyone? What happened to our hopes for a brighter, better future?” Ah.
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet