Donald Toilet Paper
Business Culture

Donald Boosts Global Economy

Who said The Donald would be bad for the economy ? With the incessant barrage of doom and gloom being reported at the moment, we thought it's about time something positive was reported in the press. Since Donald has become POTUS, a cottage industry has exploded around him with literally hundreds (possibly thousands, we haven't counted) of companies producing Donald branded merchandise. PANTS Our personal favourite are these amazing pants.
Labour Party Split
Politics News

Pass me another Labour Party, this one’s split

On writing the blog post I always wanted to write and how Seema Chandwani wrote it instead The UK Labour Party has been reborn, and this time it is as a straightforward democratic Socialist party under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. The personal battles he has faced, the insults and assaults on his character and his politics have been relentless during the 2017 GE campaign.  I suppose we should have
Poetry Politics

Echo Chambers

It’s too easy to hate, to say with screams, to find alt-solutions in final extremes, your volume racked up In your echo chamber, Knowing your hatred Reverbs beyond there; Too may such rooms, with men pushing in these are the places where the end begins.

The Un-united Kingdom

It’s has been a traumatic and tragic week for our wonderful country, (formerly known as the United Kingdom), and it is difficult to write anything at all amusing, but then Paul Nuttall hove’s into view and the satire flows like a Parisians bum after a feast of Escargots way past their sell by date. To be honest do I need to write anything further? If you thought Nigel '2 Fags'
Miracle on Downing Street by Mike Bell
Literature Politics

Miracle On Downing Street

Following on from yesterday and after a chance to digest the Conservative manifesto Miracle on Downing Street by Mike Bell St. Theresa knows what is good for us, she 'Hallelujahs' for votes (The Mail prints the chorus). She cleans the feet of the blessed rich, with her giving hands on their privatised bits: She's touched The Trump, held the hand of 'God', and now she is saying: 'Come and buy
Polling Station - General Election 2017
Politics Crime Fraud

Wrong and Unable

Well its only week 345 of the general election, and my blisters have got blisters on, but not on my feet, oh no, nothing so comfy, they're on my ears from hearing the phrase 'Strong and stable' ad nauseum, (When in fact the words "Piss-poor" and "Deranged" would surely be more applicable. Theresa May is as strong and stable as Tim Farron's flowing fringe. The main story of the week
Featured Culture Politics

What To Do With Young Voters ?

I just want to introduce a young lady  (Her name removed at the authors request) that walked into a discussion I was involved in on Twitter yesterday. Throughout the week people have been calling for young people to get out and register to vote. The call came from more moderate sections of the community on Social media, and that includes us at The Dangerous Globe. For some reason the notoriously extremely right
Theresa Trump

Fifty Shades of Magnolia

As we enter the second week of the 'most important general election of a generation' according to Theresa May, and a phrase never over used, she still has not demurred from her 'Fifty Shades of Magnolia' platitudes, promising absolutely nothing, and likely to deliver very much less for the hard working families that her lousy party has impoverished. The one highlight in this “B4 election (Biased Brexit Based Bullshit) is