Culture Crime Politics

Donald Drug Seizure

Around 5,000 ecstasy tablets in the shape of Donald Trump's head (fake tan in colour no less) and a stash of cash, have been seized by the German Polizei. (Who said Donald wasn't doing anything for the economy and small businesses). They report the drugs were confiscated over the weekend and an Austrian father and son have been arrested. To me, that sounds like an awesome father-son relationship. They both clearly
Donald Toilet Paper
Business Culture

Donald Boosts Global Economy

Who said The Donald would be bad for the economy ? With the incessant barrage of doom and gloom being reported at the moment, we thought it's about time something positive was reported in the press. Since Donald has become POTUS, a cottage industry has exploded around him with literally hundreds (possibly thousands, we haven't counted) of companies producing Donald branded merchandise. PANTS Our personal favourite are these amazing pants.
Glad Vlad
Culture Internet

Putins Favourite Gallery

Having heard that Putin just loves all the pro-homo images of him floating around in cyberspace (some Photoshopped, some not), we thought that we would round up the best, so there will always be a one-stop online resource just to annoy the twat. Despite what you may have read in The Daily Mail or on other less reputable websites, these images are not illegal in Russia. The fake news was of course believable
Pokemon in prison
Gaming Culture

3.5 Years Jail For Pokemon Hunter

We wrote last October that Russian YouTube vlogger Ruslan Sokolovsky faced up to 5 years in prison for playing Pokemon Go in church. After recording and posting the hunt online to his 300,000 followers, he was visited by the law and has been accused of "offending religious sensibilities". To be fair, the Russian government did issue a warning to its citizens first but they have now confirmed the prosecutors are
Kylian Mbappe

It’s Getting Silly Now

Manchester City are (allegedly) about to outbid Real Madrid for Monaco striker Kylian Mbappe. For those of you not up to speed on French football, he is an 18 year old striker and apparently worth £90 Mn. So the top clubs are now going to pay more for one single teenager than the total cost of buying an entire club in the same league (West Bromwich Albion, Middlesborough and Sunderland
Culture News Politics

Has Monty Python Hijacked The News ?

Recently the news has been so scary, we have been struggling to laugh at even the Donald. His press "conferences", command of the English language (or lack thereof), posturing and ridiculous hair are usually hilarious, (while simultaneously terrifying), but nothing compares to yesterdays news. In fact, we are convinced that Monty Python hijacked the news on the 19th of April 2017, much to my and I am sure everyones delight. [caption id="attachment_637" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Donald being
Ikea Protest
Business Environment Finance


Did you know that there are more IKEA catalogues printed than bibles each year ? Hallelujah! Some love IKEA for cheap but more or less well designed furniture and even cheaper hotdogs, while others are a little more critical towards the mega forest munching concern. One of said critics is a truck driver named Emilian. The Romanian told the BBC that he drives for IKEA (but of course he is
Featured Politics War

That’s Quite Enough Donald

You may have noticed that there has not been a great deal of "The Donalds" news on The Dangerous Globe recently, as there are far more important "goings-on" to report, than the rantings of a deranged geriatric. That said, we have taken an exception to his recent comments on the US needing more nuclear warheads, so hence a little article on this big subject. We all know the problem, or the Catch 22, when