Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in
World War One - The Great Reset v1
News Propaganda War

A Crime against Humanity – The Great Reset 1914/1918 v1.

A great piece here from Winter Oak, at least it would be if it wasnt so....saddening? or is it angering? In either event you cannot deny the parallels between the Great War and the Great Reset. The Modus operandi may be different, but as in all good illusionists box of tricks, it has to be different, otherwise too many people would "Get It" all at once. The result to the
Featured Short Conversation War

Questions we should all be asking about the Ukraine war

There are questions we urgently need to ask about the Russia–Ukraine war. Questions which are important for all of us, because this war holds in it the seeds of our future, whether for good or bad. How we respond to the war as individuals and as nations depends on the answers we give, so I urge you to think in depth about your responses. I don’t offer answers of my
Corruption Featured HIstory Politics Terrorism

Canada and the Ukraine

Dangerous Globe Foreword If you are not sure what Banderites and Banderism refer to its about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian politician and there is a short explanation of him and the movement at the end of this page. The entire piece which follows is the reproduction of a piece by Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet.Org under a Commons sharing Licence. (license CC BY-NC-ND) For the record, The Dangerous Globe is a
Russia vs Ukraine
Featured Media Politics War

Russia vs Ukraine: War Crimes, Propaganda and the Scourge of Modern Warfare

Russia vs Ukraine. We hear so many reports of genocide and war crimes from the iron tentacles of the Mainstream Media you'd think Mariupol is comparable to Riga, Latvia circa 1941. And folks it's certainly far from that. I've seen the footage from Bucha, whom do we believe when anyone with a camera and youtube account these days are deemed journalists? The reports from "professional" news source, Reuters are at
Featured Politics War

Twelve Thoughts on Ukraine

Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine. by Going Rogue with Caitlin Johnstone.   Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the goal of which he claims is not to occupy the country but to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” it. We've no reason to put blind faith in any of those claims. Only time will tell. As of this writing dozens have reportedly been killed so far. All war is horrific. We can only hope that
Syrian War
News Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3 - Assad the Puppet, US/Israeli Bombs and No Future On March 15th, 2021 it became 10 years since a war which was born out of the Arab Spring with hopes of overthrowing dictator Bashar Al-Assad and wound up becoming something so much more complex, involving several world powers, numerous proxies and militias, as well as the most brutally barbaric terrorist