News Health Science

They steal your dreams, then sell them back to you.

In the early eighties, some bright spark came up with the idea that if you irradiated freshly picked fruit and vegetables with some form of Ionizing radiation, the produce would "keep fresh far longer than it would with traditional storage methods". There were quite a lot of questions raised about this suggestion, the main one being that while the produce might look fresh after this treatment it would not necessarily
Business Featured Short Conversation

A short conversation about corporations

1: World killers Let’s talk about corporations. “Corporations?” I can see you’re dubious. “Aren’t corporations a little dull?” Dull? I wish it were so.   Corporations are our enemies. They’re enemies of humanity. They’re enormously dangerous – and they’re killing our world. What could possibly be dull about that?   “Well, ok, but aren’t you now being a little extreme?” Dull? Extreme? Which is it? Let’s keep talking. Let’s see
News Covid 19 Health

The Nightingale sang !

From  R.E Porter, (Richard) Journalist published nationally in a well know UK Broadsheet Wednesday, 14 October 2020 A flight of Fancy   Heading for the office this morning when a mans voice from a nearby parked car called my name. “Good Morning Richard, may I have a word with you?” I walked over to see what he wanted. “John Clements of the NHS, I am looking for a journalist to
News Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about how we got into this political sh*tfest

1: Where it went wrong “So,” you ask me, “how did it all turn to shit?” What, precisely? “This! This world of ours!” I nod sagely, as if I’ve a clue what you’re asking. Luckily you barely pause for breath. “What happened to our dreams of caring for one another, of making this world fairer and kinder for everyone? What happened to our hopes for a brighter, better future?” Ah.
Socialism Media Politics

UK Labour Party – Unfit For Purpose

Throughout its history the UK Labour party has been sold to us as a “Broad Church”, which is defined  as “a group or doctrine which allows for, and caters to, a wide range of opinions and people” which apparently originated from a description of the Anglican church “favouring a liberal interpretation or doctrine”. I have always had a problem with this loose terminology, and while it may be OK in

Kill or Cure

More than 200 doctors express concern in an open letter about the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak  In an open letter dated 10th September to the Belgian Government more than 200 Doctors have written to express very strong feelings about the handling of this "Deadly Pandemic" Living in the Netherlands and with my wife and daughter both working in Healthcare I would have to been blind not to come across it. Having read
David M Rubenstein
COTM Finance Society

COTM Award – Sep 2020 – David M Rubenstein

And the winner of Cunt of the Month for September 2020 goes to probably the most powerful and odious person on the planet. The Chairman of the Board for the Council on Foreign Relations, David M Rubenstein. Not content with his Billions in the bank and the power to destroy civilisations (quite literally), this month his work with The Carlyle Group (which he owns of course), who own a number