Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in
Featured Media Propaganda Society

Climate Breakdown, Extinction And ‘The Most Stupid Boast’

The Dangerous Globe has been given the OK to reproduce "Climate Breakdown, Extinction And ‘The Most Stupid Boast", by its author, David Cromwell, who, along with David Edwards,  are known as Media Lens. Since 2012, when the book, "Why are we the Good Guys", by David Cromwell was published, we at DG have followed the Media Lens quite closely, their work on challenging the narrative of the main stream media is
Nato Russia Ukraine WW3
Featured Politics Propaganda Terrorism War

Survivors Guide to a Breakout of World War III

A warm welcome back to Robert after a short absence from our pages. As anyone would expect, Robert is viewing his subject from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, while I am observing it from mainland Europe. There are aspects to this issue that Robert and I see in a different light, but his overall 'Take' on the abominable prospect of the world slipping into WW2 after 80 years
Lots of Attennas
Reports Corruption Fake News Propaganda

Propaganda 102 SLIMING the Public

I was recently working on a piece about 5G communications and came across a small gem of a book written by Susan Pockett, a researcher from New Zealand. It is called “Electrosmog” (2021) and if you are at all interested in the 5G “discussion” you can download it here In Chapter 4 of the book Susan discusses the strategies used by Telecom Corporations and their pet PR/lobby group soldiers to
Featured Corruption Politics Propaganda War

There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement

The very same families are taking us into World War Three that took us to the last 2 world wars. To them its a global game of 4 Dimensional Chess that has been going on for centuries, and the stakes are high...as are the profits. Nobody is safe from these people, they do not care about you, your religion or your politics, your existence means nothing to them, we are
World War One - The Great Reset v1
News Propaganda War

A Crime against Humanity – The Great Reset 1914/1918 v1.

A great piece here from Winter Oak, at least it would be if it wasnt so....saddening? or is it angering? In either event you cannot deny the parallels between the Great War and the Great Reset. The Modus operandi may be different, but as in all good illusionists box of tricks, it has to be different, otherwise too many people would "Get It" all at once. The result to the
Reports Politics Propaganda War

The Ukraine War – Insights

Another one of those stories we have been trying to write since forever, but then research from Ali Mohammed came in and we reproduce it here, undiluted. At the end of it we add some extra pieces of information that we came across recently. Just to be clear, anyone who claims that by writing this up somehow makes us Putin Lovers or Apologists is "The Enemy"as far as we are concerned.
Politics Featured Propaganda War

The Most Powerful Weapon the West Gave Ukraine

Another excellent look at what people are not thinking about from Caitin Johnstone. Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix It's pretty wild how the US is sending weapons and armored vehicles to Haiti to help quash the exact sort of uprising it's been actively trying to create in places like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Hong Kong. ❖ The Pentagon is seeking sweeping new powers in preparation for a war with China,