Featured Corruption Environment Fraud Politics

Anti-Life & Anti-Truth -The WEF

An original post by Winter Oak, who again seems to hit the nail on the head. You can call yourself what you like and write and speak volumes of blether all day long, but who and what you are is defined by your actions and deeds, and we have been down the Schwabian path before. (Worth noting the WEF emphasis on the so called "Global Public-Private Partnership" in which the

America and the Ukraine

Foreword by Dangerous Globe editor. What really twists my melons are the bald faced lies trotted out by the same media people now, that 5 or 7 years ago were singing a wholly different tune. There are NO Nazis in the Ukraine, and the US is NOT involved in this war! Oh Really? This thread originated a while back on Twitter and holds up the mirror to those people. It is
Featured Health

Why are the chickens so sick?

Why Are the Chickens So Sick? by Joel Salatin Originally published by Brownstone Institute. and accessed by the Dangerous Globe from an article originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website. Joel F. Salatin is an American farmer, lecturer and author. Salatin raises livestock on his Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of
Featured Corruption Politics Propaganda War

There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement

The very same families are taking us into World War Three that took us to the last 2 world wars. To them its a global game of 4 Dimensional Chess that has been going on for centuries, and the stakes are high...as are the profits. Nobody is safe from these people, they do not care about you, your religion or your politics, your existence means nothing to them, we are
Hiding the Truth
Featured Corruption Health

Hiding the Truth

BREAKING: Australia's drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that 'disclosure could undermine public confidence' Another report here from Dystopian Down Under, Hiding the Truth, which we are more than happy to post , dealing with the highly questionable behaviour of Australias Drug regulator the TGA. Another one that doesnt pass the smell test, (If it looks like a cover up, sounds like a cover up and smells
Featured Short Conversation War

Questions we should all be asking about the Ukraine war

There are questions we urgently need to ask about the Russia–Ukraine war. Questions which are important for all of us, because this war holds in it the seeds of our future, whether for good or bad. How we respond to the war as individuals and as nations depends on the answers we give, so I urge you to think in depth about your responses. I don’t offer answers of my
Featured Finance Politics

Big Brother – Opening the Door to Total Financial Control

31st October 2022 - People and Power - Ido Dijkstra ‘Big Brother’-wet van Kaag opent deur naar totale financiële controle. The Dutch cabinet is the first in Europe to submit a bill that obliges banks to monitor all transactions above 100 euros of all Dutch citizens. Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag (Party - D66) believes this is necessary in the context of combating money laundering. Critics call the law a far-reaching
Featured Finance Politics

The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution

Art by Mr. Fish / Truthdig We are reposting this from Greanville Post, a marvellous piece by Chris Hedges written for Truthdig in 2018, and more relevant today than it was back then in our opinion At the age of 10 I was sent as a scholarship student to a boarding school for the uber-rich in Massachusetts. I lived among the wealthiest Americans for the next eight years. I listened
Politics Featured Propaganda War

The Most Powerful Weapon the West Gave Ukraine

Another excellent look at what people are not thinking about from Caitin Johnstone. Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix It's pretty wild how the US is sending weapons and armored vehicles to Haiti to help quash the exact sort of uprising it's been actively trying to create in places like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Hong Kong. ❖ The Pentagon is seeking sweeping new powers in preparation for a war with China,