Featured Politics

Giorgia on our mind

From the pen of Pepe Escobar, Columnist, Editor -at - Large and independent geopolitical analyst, via the Greanville Post   Pepe Escobar ably sorts out fact and fiction in the rise of the new "Fascist" Italian PM It’s tempting to interpret the Italian electoral results this past Sunday as voters merrily hurling a bowl of lush papardelle with wild boar ragu over the collective bland faces of the toxic unelected Euro-oligarchy sitting in
Banksy Girl with balloon
Featured Covid 19 Health

UK Still Births Unexplained – A Dangerous Globe Exclusive

The Dangerous Globe is saddened by the fact that this, our first news exclusive, had to be about such a heart wrenching subject, but the importance of it cannot be overstated. Never before have NHS Trusts been involved in the management of funeral arrangements for non-viable fetuses, why has this changed and why now ? The research and following report was wholly conducted by AnewUK, and we thank them for
Freedom of Speech
Featured Media Politics

When Freedom of Speech Can Cross the Line

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they may not want to hear." A simple yet immensely meaningful quote from an English student Alexander Butcher. My retort to such a statement is when does certain speech go too far, or can our first amendment rights ever cross the line? ( Orwellfoundation.com) Being a writer and independent podcaster I'm a staunch believer in freedom
Media Featured Politics

We’ve Been Lied To Our Whole Lives About Everything That Matters

Caitlins Newsletter Jul 25 2022 You can also go direct to Caitlins Newsletter with the above link and listen to a reading of this article   We've Been Lied To Our Whole Lives About Everything That Matters Stories about protagonists who've been misguided their whole lives about something very important have been emerging in our culture for generations, and they continue to delight audiences in the box office to this
State Surveillance
Featured Politics Society

Surveillance Capitalism and It’s Effect on the Citizens of the World

In an age where the right to privacy continues to be relegated to an antiquated notion, whether it's governments spying on it's citizens or corporations watching your every move, our lives seem forever compromised. Surveillance Capitalism is defined as: An economic system centered around the capture and commodification of personal data for purpose of profit. Google and You Tube are two of the most egregious examples of this ever growing,
American Political Tragedy
Featured Media Politics

January 6th: Portrait of an American Travesty

The January 6th insurrection was an American travesty and the pinnacle of Trumpism. The vile, xenophobic, reactionary effects Donald Trump and his policies had on these Far-Right hooligans came to a deadly, super-violent head that day. The riots were responsible for seven deaths, including Capitol Hill Police officers and Trump supporters. The footage of Capitol Hill Police so grossly outnumbered by the flag waiving rabble seemed too have a heavier
Featured News

BBC: Part 2 – Wealthcare

The NHS 1948- ? The Beginning, The NHS came into being on the 5th of July 1948, and I followed behind, 59 days later. The number of mangled people returning from 2 world wars, barely a generation apart, might have added to the collective conscience of the nation too. It was governments and industrialists that started those wars and the public were starting to separate the facts from the fairy