Featured Politics Society

Not another manifesto?

This post is inspired by the work of Dave Middleton, especially his most recent blog. I offer it as a contribution to the discussion on what we should do now that it is not necessarily the time when all good men (and women) should come to the aid of the (Labour) party. BETRAYAL Labour’s lacklustre performance under Starmer is no cause for delight. It benefits the Tories not the left.
Featured Politics

The spectre haunting the left

In 1844 Marx and Engels wrote “A spectre is haunting Europe...” as the opening line of The Manifesto of the Communist Party. They continued “The spectre is communism”.  If I was to repeat those words today I might say: “A spectre is haunting left politics in Britain. The spectre of the Labour Party.”  It is clear that the Labour Party, like one of the dementors in Harry Potter, suck the oxygen
Featured Politics

We can’t go back

Sorry to have to point this out again but centrists/moderates/grown-ups or whatever they want to call themselves seem a little hard of hearing. Centrists want to return to the third way politics of the Blair era and talk about New Labour’s three successive election victories. They choose to ignore the way the UK political landscape has changed and the effect that has had on Labour’s success. Of course what matters
Business Featured Short Conversation

A short conversation about corporations

1: World killers Let’s talk about corporations. “Corporations?” I can see you’re dubious. “Aren’t corporations a little dull?” Dull? I wish it were so.   Corporations are our enemies. They’re enemies of humanity. They’re enormously dangerous – and they’re killing our world. What could possibly be dull about that?   “Well, ok, but aren’t you now being a little extreme?” Dull? Extreme? Which is it? Let’s keep talking. Let’s see
Environment Featured Pollution Short Conversation

A short conversation about why we should be scared

1: Ringing the alarm The environment. Hm. Let’s not get alarmist.   2: Soil So… humanity’s likely to run out of soil within 40 to 60 years1. Well, that could get pretty grim, I imagine. Starving children. Desperate families. Mass migrations. Not a pretty picture. Have you seen the film The Road2?   3: Water Water is also an issue. Changing weather patterns – driven by global warming – will
Society Featured

B.L.M. and an unexpected Irony

Delighted to bring you a piece by a new contributor, Aiden Lugg, from his blog Because it matters. Welcome Aiden I hate to break it to you, you are not that multicultural! In the wake of the death of George Floyd, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement there has scarcely been a social sphere that has not been affected. ‘Little Britain’ and ‘Come Fly With Me’ have
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet
Corruption Featured Politics

Part 4 – Democracy the Biggest Fraud of all

To begin with, Apologies for Absence   We planned to have this piece ready weeks ago, In January we put in a request to the Electoral Commission asking when the 2019 Electoral datasets were being published and they advised March. It didn’t happen, so another request last week got the reply, “hopefully by the end of this month”. While all this was going on, along came Covid 19, and, as