Featured Society

Satire Alert

Heir Apparently So last week, Prince Willy an unemployed benefits claimant from Cambridgeshire, made a statement to the Zombie Nation, that his honest and truthful mother was purely smack talking her baby daddy. Turns out he sent a minion of the Empire Lord Dyson (who I assume is the hoover guy, purely because donations means lordships), to go out on an epic mudslinging mission against the BBC, who we already
Featured Media Politics

Free The Press

So this week was World Press Freedom Day. Were you celebrating? If you were you probably either own or work for a media corporation or, like so many people, you accept what the press tells you uncritically. Perhaps it simply passed you by as you were far too busy concentrating on the various elections taking place this week. In this article I’m going to concentrate mainly on the U.K. press.
Corruption Featured Politics

The Big Reveal

“Do you remember how there was global outrage after the Panama Papers exposed a massive international tax evasion scheme involving many high-profile wealthy elites, leading to mass incarcerations and sweeping overhauls to the world's taxation and legal systems? No? How about the huge scandal when it was revealed that the CIA unilaterally funds its own clandestine operations via secret drug trafficking programs to circumvent the oversight of elected bodies, leading
Featured Politics

We don’t need no Representation

Last week I wrote a piece called ‘The case against FPTP’ which was a deliberately misleading title, because many people would have, wrongly, assumed, that I was making the case for proportional representation (PR), which I wasn’t. I expected people to be critical of me for not jumping on the PR bandwagon which has been steadily building up a head of steam in left circles. Most critical responses to the
Featured Politics Socialism

Why They Dont Like Us Protesting

The Police and Evidence Bill now wending its way through Parliament represents one of the most draconian pieces of legislation introduced by any British government in recent history. Having said that the same was said about the recent Spycops Bill and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. ‘Most draconian’ it seems is relative. Whilst the stand-out clauses are those which virtually make being Roma illegal and which make demonstrating more
Featured Comedy Literature

The Batty Rider

Just to detract from all the doom and gloom we are all currently experiencing, a little bit of comedy from one of our new contributors. (This is a true story :-) Flash Fiction Second Prize - The Batty Rider, by Ann Marcial. The island mini bus was full. The fat woman took up two thirds of the seat. At her stop she heaved herself up. She wore a burnt-orange linen
Corruption Covid 19 Featured

The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche

I would like to introduce and welcome Rosemary Frei, MSc. to the pages of the Dangerous Globe. She caught my attention on Social Media at a time when I was also puzzling over the recent video featuring Geert Vanden Bossche. What Rosemary had to say gave a very clear voice to what I was thinking. Something about the whole thing smelled fishy, and while I felt the need to explore
Featured Media Politics

The bumpy road to freedom

There are two stories that have dominated the news this week. The main news has been totally dominated by the announcement by Boris Johnson that all Covid restrictions would be lifted by June 21st - very handily just in time for Wimbledon the quintessential English sporting event which nobody English ever wins. The other news, of rather less interest to the media is that in what appears to be a