News Media Politics


I am furious about Brexit, I am incandescent with rage and have been for months now and it is a fury driven by many different reasons.  I am not furious at the people who voted to leave the EU, I fully understand why they voted that way, what I am furious at is being manipulated by politicians working solely for their own personal gain and this is an attempt to
Truth and Lies
Politics Terrorism

No Irony There Then

After a truly dreadful week in Westminster, those giants of political fuckwittery Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttal are once again on the BBC to advise us on how we stop a 52 year old extremist preacher of hate from Kent. No irony there then. Of course they believe you can stop terrorism by creating a feeling of hate and with the destruction of multiculturalism, which makes about as much sense
Fraud News Politics

UKIP, Dead but won’t lie down, (the gift that keeps on taking).

Meet Richard Billington, a UKIPPER of very little principle, and judging by the Emails he puts his name to, he is a complete and utter moron. From his pre-election blurb: - Richard, who lives in Foxton near Market Harborough, taught for 14 years and now runs a financial services limited company. He joined UKIP in 1990. Richard, said: “Should you elect me, my focus would be to serve the electorate