News Mind Plague Socialism Society

Mind Plague 2: Everyone needs a shield of values

In the early decades of the 21st Century human society is faced with a mind plague – a pandemic of disinformation and lies which jeopardises our civilisation and the biological world. This series of short conversations by Luke Andreski discusses the weapons we need if we are to resist this plague: weapons of resistance and attack. The following article, which begins the series, considers the first of our two weapons
Socialism Media Politics

UK Labour Party – Unfit For Purpose

Throughout its history the UK Labour party has been sold to us as a “Broad Church”, which is defined  as “a group or doctrine which allows for, and caters to, a wide range of opinions and people” which apparently originated from a description of the Anglican church “favouring a liberal interpretation or doctrine”. I have always had a problem with this loose terminology, and while it may be OK in
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet
Poetry Culture Politics

No Confidence

The Mother of Parliaments emits a low groan - her confidence shot - as our distrust grows We smell the foul essence worn by the rich - it's the stench of the moneyed on the front bench The PM frowns as her voice thins and strains - repeating her mantras - again and again The deceits are disclosed in emotional stories of neglect and fear under the Tories those perfidious
Reports Environment Finance

Doughnut Economics

I was inspired to write this as a result of reading Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate Raworth. I was hoping it would help me understand the subject (beyond my O Level 2), and a quick peek at a review told me it was written in a really good and understandable style. It was fun too. The Neoliberal script that economists have been using
Culture Politics

The Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn – a reply to Owen Jones by Tom London

Owen Jones has written an article this week in the Guardian calling on Jeremy Corbyn to stand down. I take what Jones says seriously but I think he is wrong. Some may dismiss what Jones says by attacking the man and not the argument. Jones himself anticipates this - “The party’s warring factions now refuse to accept that differing opinions are expressed in good faith - there have to be