Featured Politics

Strong Britain; Divided Nation?

Creating division is nothing new in British politics, especially under conservative governments. The public are constantly pitched against each other: immigrants v 'British' people (whatever that means); working v unemployed; young v old; everyone v Muslims and so on. The government's latest focus (with help from cross-party MPs, I should add) - which in itself is nothing new - is dividing white working class people from non-white working class people.
The 21st Century Lies Pandemic
News Culture Mind Plague Politics

Mind Plague 1: The 21st Century Lies Pandemic

Greed is good These human-made phenomena combine to broadcast and support a socially divisive and eco-catastrophic narrative: the chosen world-view of state elites and the hyper-acquisitive 0.1%. I’ve described this narrative, not entirely hyperbolically, as a mind plague: malign, viral ideas which are causing us all harm. Ideas like these: – We’re competitive by nature; evolution designed us that way, so that’s how we should behave – The economy self-balances…
United We Stand collage
Featured Media Politics

United we stand

If Twitter is to be believed the future of the left in the U.K. is in the hands of the 1.4 million members of Unite the Union. Current General Secretary Len McCluskey, a staunch supporter of Jeremy Corbyn and a major figure on the U.K. left stands down shortly and the new General Secretary will be announced on August 26th. In April 2017 McCluskey had retained his leadership of the
Featured Politics

Transforming Democracy

  Last week a Twitter user called @Posh_Jock made what at the time I thought was a flippant remark. “ I was just wondering........would you consider running the country for us?......please..pretty please ”. I dismissed this in a light hearted way but then @GailMac27 supported the idea: “Don't sell yourself short. I've often thought that what we really need is individuals like you as opposed to the bunch of self
News Media Politics Society

There’s Only One News Story

There’s Only One News Story, Repeating Over And Over Again Doing daily commentary on world power dynamics feels a lot like staring up at the sky watching clouds. Sometimes you see a three-legged pony up there, sometimes a gargoyle, sometimes a laughing baby, but really you’re only ever watching tiny water droplets being moved around by atmospheric winds. They can take on any number of different shapes, but no matter
Featured Politics

Constitutional Madness

Constitutional Madness According to a law passed in 1829, Boris Johnson, who has now come out as a practicing Catholic, cannot be both a Catholic and hold any office of state. The Roman Catholic Relief Act states that "It shall not be lawful for any person professing the Roman Catholic religion directly or indirectly to advise his Majesty, or any person or persons holding or exercising the office of guardians
Featured Politics

The Cummings Storm

Dominic Cummings is the story of the week. There is little doubt about that, but what have we really learned apart from the fact that Cummings is not the sort of person you should have as a friend. His revelations that Number 10 was a mess and had no plan for how to deal with the pandemic seem to have come as a massive shock to journalists, who whilst enjoying
News Politics

The Global North – Part 2

PART 2 OF A 2-PART REPORT ON THE SHAMBLES OF 21ST CENTURY GLOBAL ECONOMICS, WITH THIS ONE FOCUSING ON THE GLOBAL NORTH, (THE NEW NAME FOR THE DEVELOPED WORLD). THE 1st PART IS HERE, AT THE GLOBAL SOUTH Introduction It seems that Capitalism only works well when it works equally for everyone, which is hardly ever. While Socialism has existed in the past and gradually brought improvements over time, only the
News Politics

The Global South – Part 1

Introduction Economists love labelling things and the world is no exception. We used to have the 1st World/3rd World or Developed world, and Under-developed world but now it’s more trendy to call them the Global North (RICH) and the Global South (POOR) Think Africa, India, S. America some parts of Asia We are told that poverty and hunger are everyday life in the Global South while we never had it so