Faked Fake News
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Faked Fake News

INTRODUCTION We started the Dangerous Globe in 2016 in a world still blissfully still unaware of the delights of “Fake News” or Kelly Anne Conway’s ludicrous ‘Alternative Truths’. We were just as unaware of Brexit, Novichok, Trump, Skripal, Covid, Johnson or even Kelly Anne Conway herself come to that. 2 Ex-Pat Brits, based in the Netherlands, with a bit of computing power, a smattering of European Languages, and a strong
Are we finally on the eve of destruction?
Featured Politics

Are we finally on the ‘eve of destruction’?

In this week’s Socialist Hour I started by using a song by Barry McGuire called the “Eve of Destruction” to discuss the current political situation. It probably reveals something of my current state of mind because if the past 16 months have taught us anything at all it is that the political classes almost without exception across the globe have failed miserably when it comes to confronting a crisis. When
Featured Politics

The Future of U.S. Politics: Progressivism, Trumpism and the Great Divide

It's safe to say the passing of the 1.4 trillion dollar stimulus package was a positive step for the left-wing Progressive community in the United States when it was slipped through the US Senate in March. Statistics showed at the time it potentially could've been the most important piece of legislation designed to improve the lives of a the lower middle class since the New Deal domestic programs by Franklin
Featured Politics Society

US/UK Homelessness the Scourge the Government Doesn’t Want You to See

It was a quarter passed 9 am, my wife and I had just exited the PATH train from our home in downtown Jersey City, to Penn Station in Newark, NJ. Upon exiting the West end of the transit hub I bared witness to a fifty yard line of dusty blankets, shopping carts, sleeping bags, the occasional tent and lastly the wrinkled faces glazed with sweating in the extreme July heat.
Wall of Truth
Mind Plague News Politics Socialism

Mind Plague 3: The wall of truth

In the early decades of the 21st Century humanity faces a pandemic of lies, jeopardising both the fabric of our society and the viability of the biological world. This series of ‘short conversations’ by Luke Andreski discusses the weapons we need if we are to overcome our disinformation pandemic – weapons initially of resistance and then of attack.   A trip to Mars We were talking about survival. Individual survival
Video Politics Society

American Sadism

Author, activist, teacher and dissident Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on June 27, 2021. In this talk Chris speaks about sadism, which he says: -Now defines nearly every cultural, social and political experience in the United States. -Is expressed in the greed of an oligarchic elite that has seen its wealth increase during the pandemic by $1.1 trillion while the country has suffered
Featured Finance Politics

Is capitalism the pinnacle of human achievement?

The great liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith once famously said: “Under capitalism man exploits man. Under communism it’s the other way round.” As Clive Crook wrote in an obituary following Galbraith’s death in 2006: “ If he didn't say it, he might as well have. It has an authentically Galbraithian ring: It seems profound, and it's funny. .. And it is a travesty of the truth.” Let’s imagine for a second
Video Politics Terrorism War

The Middle of the Middle East

Two videos which go a very long way to clearly explaining the past and current madness that is the Israel vs Palestine "conflict". The as always excellent Abby Martin's in-depth report and to try to lightening the sickening mood, Frankie Boyle explains in his own inimitable way, just why we should all be outraged. Previewing Abby Martin’s on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of