Corruption Featured Politics

Part 4 – Democracy the Biggest Fraud of all

To begin with, Apologies for Absence   We planned to have this piece ready weeks ago, In January we put in a request to the Electoral Commission asking when the 2019 Electoral datasets were being published and they advised March. It didn’t happen, so another request last week got the reply, “hopefully by the end of this month”. While all this was going on, along came Covid 19, and, as
News Media Politics

Part 3 – The Role of the Press in Election rigging

This is the third part in a series about the rigging of the 2019 December UK general election where we focus on the role of the British press in delivering the extreme right wing governments of Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings, and the United States. Note :-I planned put a small personal story here to illustrate the root cause of my anger but my editor said I was “rambling off topic
News Media Politics

Part 2 – The Role of the BBC in 2019 Election rigging

The BBC Purpose and Mission statement is crystal clear:- (With thanks to @poetinpyjama who did a great deal of the work that made this possible) Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which  Inform, educate and entertain". I watched hundreds of hours of BBC News programming over the last 3 years  connecting the News coverage
Reports Media Politics

The Cummings-Krueger Effect

February 29, 2020 (A true Leap in the Dark day) Tony Broomfield (With thanks to @poetinpyjama who did a great deal of the work that made this possible) Introduction The first piece of a 5 part mystery thriller about the theft of British Democracy and the rigging of UK Elections and Referenda. Rather than an opinion piece, it is an evidence locker, and seeks to present enough material to support
Reports Business Politics War

Why just “Friends of Israel”?

Why just "Friends of Israel"? Whats wrong with "Friends of the rest of the world"? Stop the world I want to get off In the UK, since the days of Thatcher, have been told that Society doesn’t exist and that all Humans are simply motivated by self-interest. If you stop and think for a moment, its complete Bollox, but plenty of people bought into it anyway,  attracted by the promise
News Media Politics

I Will Cry For You Venezuela

The underlying problem In 2007, John Pilger made a documentary called War On Democracy  covering several S. American nations but including Venezuela in particular. If you have 90 minutes to spare I thoroughly recommend it. As usual, he really gets to the heart of the matter. Throughout this piece, I will link to specific clips from the film so that you can access the relevant detail even if you don’t
Reports Crime Politics

Tory reports go missing again

Each headline is a link to the MSM article concerned, because you cannot just make this stuff up and I just wanted to prove it to you August 2014 CONSERVATIVES SECRETLY PLAN TWO NEW GARDEN CITIES Supposed to relieve housing shortages in London and home-counties (and possibly a good way to use up all that lovely surplus land local tory politicians have been buying up over the last 10 years).
Reports Business Politics

The Birth of BrExit

In 1997, Liam Fox founded a Think Tank called Atlantic Bridge under the patronage of Margaret Thatcher Liam Fox is on record stating that Atlantic Bridge  had been created to “Defend people of common interests from European Integrationists who would like to pull Britain away from its relationship with the United States”. So not exactly big fans of the Union of Europe even 20 years ago, but great fans of
Grenfell Tower
Reports Media Politics

The History of Grenfell

Introduction If I hadn’t lived through the past 60 years, I would not have believed what has taken place in world politics during the last 25 years. Every day I wake up and look around and see the likes of Trump; Rees-Mogg; Bannon; Hopkins; May; Johnson; Farage; Koch Bros; Mercer; Gove; The 3 x disgraced Liam Fox; Alan Sugar; and John Paul Watson slathered all over the Press, TV and