Politics Finance Society

True Progressive America, Forever a Pipe Dream

How has the jewel of Democracy, the envy of most every other country in the world arrived at the point it is today? Income inequality has never been as prevalent as it is now, and certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned 240 plus years ago. From the late 1940's through the late 1990's the middle class were the backbone of a truly successful democracy but more recently they have
Featured Politics

The Future of U.S. Politics: Progressivism, Trumpism and the Great Divide

It's safe to say the passing of the 1.4 trillion dollar stimulus package was a positive step for the left-wing Progressive community in the United States when it was slipped through the US Senate in March. Statistics showed at the time it potentially could've been the most important piece of legislation designed to improve the lives of a the lower middle class since the New Deal domestic programs by Franklin
David M Rubenstein
COTM Finance Society

COTM Award – Sep 2020 – David M Rubenstein

And the winner of Cunt of the Month for September 2020 goes to probably the most powerful and odious person on the planet. The Chairman of the Board for the Council on Foreign Relations, David M Rubenstein. Not content with his Billions in the bank and the power to destroy civilisations (quite literally), this month his work with The Carlyle Group (which he owns of course), who own a number
US Economy
Featured Health Politics

The be-all and end-all

It has now been a week since Brexit. A week for sovereignty to be regained, a week to send out the 50p’s, and a week for the United Kingdom to remain afloat. From Boris Johnson’s majority government, to estimating what the future holds. Alternatively, the past week has meant that the media’s concentration on Brexit has allowed the ever growing inequality within the United Kingdom to be overlooked once again.