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BBC: Part 2 – Wealthcare

The NHS 1948- ? The Beginning, The NHS came into being on the 5th of July 1948, and I followed behind, 59 days later. The number of mangled people returning from 2 world wars, barely a generation apart, might have added to the collective conscience of the nation too. It was governments and industrialists that started those wars and the public were starting to separate the facts from the fairy
Corruption Featured HIstory Politics Terrorism

Canada and the Ukraine

Dangerous Globe Foreword If you are not sure what Banderites and Banderism refer to its about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian politician and there is a short explanation of him and the movement at the end of this page. The entire piece which follows is the reproduction of a piece by Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet.Org under a Commons sharing Licence. (license CC BY-NC-ND) For the record, The Dangerous Globe is a
Featured Politics War

Bush-Era War Criminals

Bush-Era War Criminals Are Louder Than Ever Because They’ve Lost The Argument After the US troop withdrawal established conclusively that the Afghan “government” they’d spent twenty years pretending to nation build with was essentially a work of fiction, thus proving to the world that they’ve been lying to us this entire time about the facts on the ground in Afghanistan, you might expect those who helped pave the way for that disastrous occupation
Featured Corruption War

The “War on Terror” Scam Continues

ISIS has reportedly claimed credit for an explosion near Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport. As of this writing there are around 90 dead including 13 US military personnel, though to read western mainstream media reports you’d think only US troops died and not scores of Afghans as well. This was the deadliest attack in a decade on US troops in Afghanistan, which is odd to think about considering how many people the US military has killed during that time;
News Finance Video

The Absurdity of Capitalism

Peter Joseph is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement, a grassroots, worldwide organization that advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation and human need. His most recent book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement,’ delivers a startling exposé about the violent oppression that defines our economic order, while issuing an urgent call for global activism to unite to replace it. Watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HwFO... Prof. Werner brilliantly
News Media Politics Society

There’s Only One News Story

There’s Only One News Story, Repeating Over And Over Again Doing daily commentary on world power dynamics feels a lot like staring up at the sky watching clouds. Sometimes you see a three-legged pony up there, sometimes a gargoyle, sometimes a laughing baby, but really you’re only ever watching tiny water droplets being moved around by atmospheric winds. They can take on any number of different shapes, but no matter
News Politics

The Global North – Part 2

PART 2 OF A 2-PART REPORT ON THE SHAMBLES OF 21ST CENTURY GLOBAL ECONOMICS, WITH THIS ONE FOCUSING ON THE GLOBAL NORTH, (THE NEW NAME FOR THE DEVELOPED WORLD). THE 1st PART IS HERE, AT THE GLOBAL SOUTH Introduction It seems that Capitalism only works well when it works equally for everyone, which is hardly ever. While Socialism has existed in the past and gradually brought improvements over time, only the
News Politics

The Global South – Part 1

Introduction Economists love labelling things and the world is no exception. We used to have the 1st World/3rd World or Developed world, and Under-developed world but now it’s more trendy to call them the Global North (RICH) and the Global South (POOR) Think Africa, India, S. America some parts of Asia We are told that poverty and hunger are everyday life in the Global South while we never had it so
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet