Featured Finance Society

The Death of the U.S. Working Class and Rise of Ultra Capitalism

There hasn't been a more unfortunate consequence of  modern day society than that of the virtual disappearance of the working class, AKA middle class. The spread of an ultra-capitalist, feudalist system, where making even a modest living is becoming almost obsolete, is sending a clear message of not only who will forever run things but also who the really important ones are. Hedge fund managers, CEO's of Defense Corporations, Wall
Featured Finance Politics

Is capitalism the pinnacle of human achievement?

The great liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith once famously said: “Under capitalism man exploits man. Under communism it’s the other way round.” As Clive Crook wrote in an obituary following Galbraith’s death in 2006: “ If he didn't say it, he might as well have. It has an authentically Galbraithian ring: It seems profound, and it's funny. .. And it is a travesty of the truth.” Let’s imagine for a second
Broken umbrella in the wind and rain
Featured Society

A paper boat in a storm: managing stress in the capitalist workplace

I work for one of the largest Universities in the UK which seems to think that rather than delivering world class teaching and research, its main purposes are to keep its staff on their toes with constant restructuring and to run a budget surplus (I'll come to this later). This restructuring inevitably leads to uncertainty for staff and usually involves recruitment freezes as well as voluntary redundancy measures. Despite often
News Politics

The Global North – Part 2

PART 2 OF A 2-PART REPORT ON THE SHAMBLES OF 21ST CENTURY GLOBAL ECONOMICS, WITH THIS ONE FOCUSING ON THE GLOBAL NORTH, (THE NEW NAME FOR THE DEVELOPED WORLD). THE 1st PART IS HERE, AT THE GLOBAL SOUTH Introduction It seems that Capitalism only works well when it works equally for everyone, which is hardly ever. While Socialism has existed in the past and gradually brought improvements over time, only the
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet