State Surveillance
Featured Politics Society

Surveillance Capitalism and It’s Effect on the Citizens of the World

In an age where the right to privacy continues to be relegated to an antiquated notion, whether it's governments spying on it's citizens or corporations watching your every move, our lives seem forever compromised. Surveillance Capitalism is defined as: An economic system centered around the capture and commodification of personal data for purpose of profit. Google and You Tube are two of the most egregious examples of this ever growing,
1984 Thought Crime

Is Conspiracy Thinking a Bad Thing?

The fear of being accused of "conspiracy thinking" makes it almost impossible for many people to even think about “radical power shifts” let alone make them a topic for discussion or action. The real conspiracy theory is that if people are scared and intimidated about openly discussing big issues like Covid, Ukraine or The Reset B*ll*x, they will be happy to sit wallowing in ignorance and too frightened to go