News War

US told Ukraine to abandon peace talks

Former US diplomat Victoria Nuland has come out and said the thing that got many of us called “Putin puppets” and “Russian propagandists” for over two years: the US and its allies told Ukraine to walk away from the Istanbul peace talks in March 2022. Their reasoning was the deal on the table wasn’t good enough and therefore it was better to fight on, sacrificing hundreds of thousands of men and boys. Only problem was a better deal was never achievable and Victoria Nuland never gave a fuck.

Victoria Nuland is the diplomat who has served under every recent US president, apart from Trump. She has started a war in just about every country she has visited, including Sudan last year, surely making her the worst diplomat of all time. You will be unsurprised to hear her husband, Robert Kagan, was one of the guys behind the weapons of mass destruction lie that led to war in Iraq. Together, they have a body count about 100,000 times larger than Fred and Rose West’s. Nice family.

In an interview with a Russian journalist, Nuland was asked about the claims of former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett that a deal was almost done, but Boris Johnson pulled the plug at the very last minute. The interviewer pointed out the story was “kind of” confirmed by Ukrainian politician Davyd Arakhamia who said Boris Johnson advised negotiations should stop. The former British prime minster told Ukraine it can win this war militarily, which is like patting your drunk friend on the back and telling him he can take Jon Jones in a street fight. Only a complete bastard would do such a thing.

The Russian interviewer never mentioned the story of the near-completed deal was also confirmed by seven senior US officials, as well as Ukrainian officials, the ex-German chancellor and the Turkish foreign minister. This matters because it contradicts the propaganda we’ve been fed that Ukrainians had no choice but to fight because Putin was unwilling to negotiate.

Nuland essentially confirmed the Istanbul story was true, grinning psychotically the whole time she spoke. She rambled about how one of Putin’s conditions was that the deal would “limit the type of weapons systems Ukraine could have”, and “it was at that point the deal fell apart.”

Nuland did not mention the deal meant Ukraine would have kept most of its territory and there would be further negotiations over the future of the Donbas and even Crimea. Experts who went over the proposals said how surprised they were by the willingness of both sides to make concessions, but NATO was not interested.

The excuse in 2022 was that Ukraine ended peace talks because of Russian war crimes in Bucha, but this was not even mentioned by Nuland. The truth is Russia wanted Ukraine to have neutral status and NATO wanted Ukraine to be a testing ground for its weapons and tactics. One of the key reasons the war started was the carrot of NATO membership, but during peace talks, NATO was unwilling to offer Ukraine security guarantees.

Ukraine indicated a willingness to accept neutrality and limit its armed forces to 85,000 troops, 342 tanks, and missiles with a range of 25 miles. This would have meant Ukraine posed no military threat to Russia, but it wanted security guarantees in return. NATO decided it was preferable to fight Russia via Ukraine than agree to guaranteed peace. That’s what we mean when we call this a proxy war.

We have been told Ukraine’s incursion into Russia in which they claimed a tiny strip of land in the Kursk region was necessary for negotiations because Ukraine can trade Russian soil for Ukrainian soil. Only this incursion did not need to happen. We did not need to come within a millimetre of World War III.

NATO was as interested in the Istanbul talks as it was in the Minsk Accords that Professor Jeffrey Sachs confirmed were never taken seriously. The former US diplomat explained US officials were laughing about the 2014/15 deal behind closed doors and it was just a ruse to give NATO time to arm Ukraine.

Nuland might claim the Istanbul deal was not very good, but Ukrainian delegates certainly felt it was very good, so good, in fact, they celebrated with champagne, believing it was the best deal they could possibly get. They were eager to save countless Ukrainian lives and prevent an enormous amount of destruction, but NATO gave Ukraine the treatment it gives every country that gets a freedom intervention. Can anyone remember the last time a NATO intervention turned out well?

Many well-meaning people were duped by a huge propaganda effort into supporting an entirely avoidable proxy war. It’s okay to admit you were duped, but you must understand the empire lies again and again and cannot be trusted about any war. We’ve all witnessed the horrors in Gaza. It’s time to understand the empire’s position on every previous war has been just as abominable.

The empire had been talking for years about how to provoke war with Russia. President Biden said in 1997 the best way to provoke a “vigorous and hostile” Russian response was to expand NATO into the Baltic states and that is exactly what was done. Biden later boasted to Tucker Carlson, he was the one who pushed for NATO expansion. Many experts warned we were on the path to war with Russia unless we changed course, but Biden and his fellow neocons pushed ahead anyway.

A 2008 memo from CIA director William Burns to Condoleezza Rice

Rep. Adam Schiff once said: “The United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here.”

Sen. Lindsay Graham let slip Ukraine is a “gold mine” with trillions of dollars of natural resources. Ukraine actually has 22 of the world’s 30 critical minerals, which some have estimated could be worth $26 trillion. Now do you see why Blackrock is so interested?

It makes so much sense that a warmonger like Victoria Nuland has been elevated to senior positions in administration after administration, and was sent to Ukraine by Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama, doesn’t it?

Nuland is the Dick Cheney protégé who visited Maidan square in 2013 to rally protesters, along with John McCain and Chris Murphy. McCain told CNN, live from Kyiv, the US delegation was in the country to bring about a “transition” (coup) and said how “pleased” he was that Nuland was with him. The US delegation was hardly siding with the good guys here. They openly worked with Svoboda, the Ukrainian opposition party formerly called the Social-National party, a deliberate nod to the National Socialist party. So much for no Nazis in Ukraine…

A leaked call recording from 2014 revealed Nuland was handpicking Ukraine’s new government and leader, saying, “I think Yats [Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy” and discussing how to “glue this thing.” She spoke of working with Tyahnybok, one of the opposition leaders who was blamed for violence in Kyiv and is considered one of the most notorious anti-Semites in the world.

The “protesters” backed by the US used guns and petrol bombs and even a bulldozer, killing police officers and taking over government buildings so this was hardly a peaceful revolution. Even the BBC reported the driving force of the riots was far-right Banderites who assumed ministerial roles when the Ukrainian parliament stripped Yanukovych of the presidency.

On 27th February 2014, Arseniy Yatsenyuk became the new Ukrainian president and served two terms in power, overseeing staggering corruption. He was basically the Ukrainian Juan Guaido, only the US was successful in installing their man on this occasion.

Back in 2022, the New York Times reported that Yatsenyuk’s government was working with the CIA and MI6 to wage a “covert war” on Russia. The CIA set up 12 spy bases in Ukraine and boasted about how the country was its most important intelligence partner against the Kremlin.

Ukraine waged an eight year war against ethnic Russians in the Donbas regions which left 14,000 dead and most of the predominantly ethnic Russian population wanting independence. It’s worth pointing out, Kyiv tried to suppress use of the Russian language and crack down on Russian culture. Ukraine has recently banned the Russian orthodox church.

In 2016, Nuland boasted to congress that US advisors serve in Ukrainian ministries, US-trained police operate in Ukrainian cities, the US helped close 60 Ukrainian banks, and the US spent $266 million training Ukrainian soldiers.

Nuland admitted to the existence of the biolabs in Ukraine and she celebrated the Nord Stream bombing with Ted Cruz. That’s the terrorist attack the US blamed on Russia and then on a rogue team of Ukrainian operatives, even though Nuland said in 2022: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream two will not move forward.”

It’s time to bury the lie that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked. This does not mean I support the invasion. I don’t support any war, but the truth is Russia and NATO have been squabbling over Ukraine since its inception. Nuland once admitted the US had invested $5 billion in Ukraine since 1991, and that figure has gone much higher in the last two years. None of this meddling has been good for the people of Ukraine. It’s time for the NATO empire to stop wrecking countries in the name of “democracy”.

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