News War

US told Ukraine to abandon peace talks

Victoria Nuland admits US told Ukraine to abandon peace talks in March 2022 She didn't feel the Istanbul deal was good enough This piece was written by Anti-imperial Nexus is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support their work, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Former US diplomat Victoria Nuland has come out and said the thing that got many of us called “Putin puppets” and “Russian propagandists” for over
News Media War

A Love Letter to all Draft Dodgers

The New York Times is naming and shaming Ukrainian men who've fled the country rather than stay and kill Russians for Washington, because it was illegal for men of military age to leave, and because their countrymen are angry at them, and because it's the New York Times. They shamed Vova Klever, who said, "Violence is not my weapon." They shamed Volodymyr Danuliv, age 50, who said, "I can’t shoot Russian people." They shamed