Constitutional Madness

According to a law passed in 1829, Boris Johnson, who has now come out as a practicing Catholic, cannot be both a Catholic and hold any office of state. The Roman Catholic Relief Act states that “It shall not be lawful for any person professing the Roman Catholic religion directly or indirectly to advise his Majesty, or any person or persons holding or exercising the office of guardians of the United Kingdom…if any such person shall offend in the premises he shall, being thereof convicted by due course of law, be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and disabled for ever from holding any office, civil or military, under the Crown.” So, that’s it Johnson must stand down immediately and never hold office again. Anybody taking bets on whether this law will be adhered to?

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Dave Middleton
I'm Dave Middleton. I am a member of the Labour Party (until they catch up with me) and like to think of myself as left-wing. My Twitter account is @DavMidd Please do feel free to email me about this blog at
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