­­­ When examining American society as a whole there’s a plethora of character defects that immediately come to mind, there is wide ranging laundry list… infatuation with assault weapons, an unseemly obsession with all things celebrity or, like the focus of this piece, rampant obesity. Just to name a few examples. The United States is a nation of overweight people, and that’s putting it gently.

In 2015-2016 the average American male weighed 197 lbs (89 kgs) while the average woman stands at 170 lbs (77 kgs). (Info courtesy of news.gallup.com)

Now before we gauge those numbers against the rest of the world let’s try to comprehend those embarrassing statistics. I want to first convey my feelings about America’s culture of not just normalizing obesity, but the shameless promotion of it. Television advertising and unreasonably enormous food portions are just two of a limitless number of cases in point.

Compared to the astounding US statistics we mentioned earlier, the average European weighed in at a slender 156 lbs (70kgs). The gap between the two continents is certainly telling, and something that eventually needs to serve as a wake up call for the American people. (Info courtesy of  healthline.com).

We’re all painfully aware in the US of the abundance of fast food, sugary soft drinks and alochol adverts that flood our airwaves. Ranging from the mildly graphic to the grotesque, the commercialization of extremely unhealthy food is problem worth considering.

In the year 2023 the McDonald’s corporation spent roughly 388 million dollars worldwide on advertising. The numbers aren’t specific but I am fairly certain a substantial chunk of that total was applied to the American market. ( Info courtesy of statista.com)

One disgusting habit the United States government and television producers have relentlessly demonized is cigarette smoking. Before I continue, I am smoker, but I’m certainly not ignorant of the fact that cigarette smoking is obviously a detriment to my health. I do agree that people, especially the youth of this country need to be notified and educated on the dangers of nicotine.

Never in the history of television advertising have these various comfort food entities ever been forced to mention the myriad of health risks that comes with fatty foods, and/or over eating. The purpose for bringing up smoking was to compare and contrast the death rates of cancer from cigarettes and obesity. In 2019 smoking was responsible for 30% of all cancer related deaths, whereas according to drmalladi.com, obesity is the leading cause of death in the US, estimated to be 300,000 per year. ***(Info courtesy of mdedge.com)­

We shouldn’t discuss this pertinent issue without mentioning the role addiction plays into the obesity epidemic. I do have somewhat of a dissenting opinion when it comes to an addiction to food. Myself being a recovering substance abuser I have intimate knowledge and experience with the disease of addiction.

There are currently an estimated 60,000 members of overeaters anonymous (OA) worldwide. The first ever OA meeting took place in Hollywood, California January 19, 1960. (Info courtesy of oa.org)

Despite a substantial amount of members OA doesnt carry the same clout as Alcohol Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Personally I’m not active within the NA spectrum but I can say with a fair amount of conviction that it does work for thousands of people. But regarding an addiction to eating I do have a tremendous grievance concerning a chemical addiction to the act/feeling of food consumption.

First and foremost, throughout my adulthood I’ve struggled with and come in close contact with a countless number of individuals whom either were in the grips of drug and or alochol dependence but more importantly those whose initial experimentation with certain illicit substances were noticeably unfulfilling.

For one reason or another the physical, and or psychological effects of the particular substance left the person feeling nausea, paranoia, anxiety etc, without much of the pleasurable euphoria normally sensed during the sudden release of a high level of dopamines.

My question to anyone reading this is have you ever witnessed a fully functional human being who doesnt enjoy, or crave food? And not a particular food, some folks are disgusted by raw fish wrapped in rice, I absolutely love it. Some people find red meat quite grotesque, while some might eat corn beef five times a week. The point being I find myself struggling to accept overeating within the same spectrum as drug or alcohol dependence.

“Pleasure of any kind, including pleasure from food, release dopamines in the brain.” Stated therapist, and dietitian Aleta Storch. But I still contend that the natural dopamines in practically all human experience from food and sex ,should not necessarily be treated similarly to those same sensations accompanied by Narcotics.

According to statista.com the United States, a country of 333 million, exported 92.8 million metric tons of grain in the year 2022. Those figures stand in stark contrast to the Peoples Republic of China, whose 4.5 billion dollars worth of grain imports for the same time period, was the second most in the world. Such an enormous tally shouldn’t be that surprising when considering China’s  immense population of 1.7 billion. (Info courtesy of graincentral.com)

The United States by far has the largest food surplus of a­ny nation as of 2023. Although their overall agricultural output (475 billion dollars) was technically the 3rd highest total, their population is only a third of the two countries ahead of them, China and India. (Info courtesy of investopedia.com)

Whats all these numbers really mean? Is it simply the United States advantageous geography, climate and agricultural technological development that allows such positive results? Perhaps, but after compiling these statistics, it should be quite shocking to hear that 12.8 percent, or one in every eight households, experienced food insecurity, and or lack of accessibility to an affordable, nutritious diet. (Info courtesy of frac.org).

I could only come to one concrete conclusion after analyzing and interpreting these tallies. All Americans, or the majority who live above the poverty line, are generally gluttons, what other presumption could one reach?

As our journey through the maze of clogged arteries that is the American obesity epidemic I hope our bluntness and occasional attempts at literary humor doesn’t offend anyone.

Im a stringent humanist who believes that all persons should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin, religious denomination or physical attributes. I do hope anyone struggling with the countless maladies or many serious health issues brought on by obesity accept these statistical facts and begin living a healthier lifestyle.







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Robert DiBlasio
Writer/Podcaster. Socialist, Pluralist, Free Speech Advocate and Senior Contributor to the Dangerous Globe. Born in Jersey City, NJ.
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