Featured Short Conversation War

Questions we should all be asking about the Ukraine war

There are questions we urgently need to ask about the Russia–Ukraine war. Questions which are important for all of us, because this war holds in it the seeds of our future, whether for good or bad. How we respond to the war as individuals and as nations depends on the answers we give, so I urge you to think in depth about your responses. I don’t offer answers of my
Reports Politics Propaganda War

The Ukraine War – Insights

Another one of those stories we have been trying to write since forever, but then research from Ali Mohammed came in and we reproduce it here, undiluted. At the end of it we add some extra pieces of information that we came across recently. Just to be clear, anyone who claims that by writing this up somehow makes us Putin Lovers or Apologists is "The Enemy"as far as we are concerned.
Politics Featured Propaganda War

The Most Powerful Weapon the West Gave Ukraine

Another excellent look at what people are not thinking about from Caitin Johnstone. Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix It's pretty wild how the US is sending weapons and armored vehicles to Haiti to help quash the exact sort of uprising it's been actively trying to create in places like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Hong Kong. ❖ The Pentagon is seeking sweeping new powers in preparation for a war with China,
Russia vs Ukraine
Featured Media Politics War

Russia vs Ukraine: War Crimes, Propaganda and the Scourge of Modern Warfare

Russia vs Ukraine. We hear so many reports of genocide and war crimes from the iron tentacles of the Mainstream Media you'd think Mariupol is comparable to Riga, Latvia circa 1941. And folks it's certainly far from that. I've seen the footage from Bucha, whom do we believe when anyone with a camera and youtube account these days are deemed journalists? The reports from "professional" news source, Reuters are at
Featured Media War

The Proxy War in Ukraine

This is a Twitter thread posted by @NatalieStrecke which asks why "The Left" seems to always adopt a fixed "For/Against "stance for any set of given circumstances. We posted it in the light of a Twitter pile-on we experienced the other day relating to the Ukraine war. Apparently our efforts to point out that the US was up to its neck in building the situation that led to the war
News Media War

A Love Letter to all Draft Dodgers

The New York Times is naming and shaming Ukrainian men who've fled the country rather than stay and kill Russians for Washington, because it was illegal for men of military age to leave, and because their countrymen are angry at them, and because it's the New York Times. They shamed Vova Klever, who said, "Violence is not my weapon." They shamed Volodymyr Danuliv, age 50, who said, "I can’t shoot Russian people." They shamed
Featured Politics War

Twelve Thoughts on Ukraine

Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine. by Going Rogue with Caitlin Johnstone.   Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the goal of which he claims is not to occupy the country but to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” it. We've no reason to put blind faith in any of those claims. Only time will tell. As of this writing dozens have reportedly been killed so far. All war is horrific. We can only hope that
Syrian War
News Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3 - Assad the Puppet, US/Israeli Bombs and No Future On March 15th, 2021 it became 10 years since a war which was born out of the Arab Spring with hopes of overthrowing dictator Bashar Al-Assad and wound up becoming something so much more complex, involving several world powers, numerous proxies and militias, as well as the most brutally barbaric terrorist
Saudi Oil
Featured Politics War

Saudi Arabia: Human Rights, Oil and the Modern Monarchy

2019 in Saudi Arabia, one of the richest nations in the world, to be a female today must've felt like you were back in 8th century. Despite promised reforms by the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (being of the opposite sex meant) you couldn't drive a car, travel without a male guardian or report sexual abuse by a spouse/ partner. According to Amnesty international, laws weren't just draconian for women.