News Media Politics Society

There’s Only One News Story

There’s Only One News Story, Repeating Over And Over Again Doing daily commentary on world power dynamics feels a lot like staring up at the sky watching clouds. Sometimes you see a three-legged pony up there, sometimes a gargoyle, sometimes a laughing baby, but really you’re only ever watching tiny water droplets being moved around by atmospheric winds. They can take on any number of different shapes, but no matter
Who do we save Whiteboard
Featured Society

Who do we not save?

It’s a question that I am sure has been asked many times before. It’s a question that may even be reasonable yet brings instant anger. It’s a question that shows us just how unprepared they were. It’s a question governments and societies have been asking since the beginning of time. The question has no answer on this sorry whiteboard because there is no answer that can be acceptable Those in
Featured Society

Satire Alert

Heir Apparently So last week, Prince Willy an unemployed benefits claimant from Cambridgeshire, made a statement to the Zombie Nation, that his honest and truthful mother was purely smack talking her baby daddy. Turns out he sent a minion of the Empire Lord Dyson (who I assume is the hoover guy, purely because donations means lordships), to go out on an epic mudslinging mission against the BBC, who we already
News Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about violence

1: A crap idea “Violence,” you say, “is the last refuge of the incompetent.” I can only agree. It’s a great saying. Whose is it? “Isaac Asimov, I  think. I’m not sure.” The science fiction writer? “Yes.” I love the guy.1 He said a lot of great stuff. Have spacesuit. Will travel. “No, that was Heinlein.” Ah. Right-wing libertarian Heinlein. I loved a lot of his stuff, too.2 Starship Troopers. Stranger In A
Featured Politics Society

Not another manifesto?

This post is inspired by the work of Dave Middleton, especially his most recent blog. I offer it as a contribution to the discussion on what we should do now that it is not necessarily the time when all good men (and women) should come to the aid of the (Labour) party. BETRAYAL Labour’s lacklustre performance under Starmer is no cause for delight. It benefits the Tories not the left.
News Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about how we got into this political sh*tfest

1: Where it went wrong “So,” you ask me, “how did it all turn to shit?” What, precisely? “This! This world of ours!” I nod sagely, as if I’ve a clue what you’re asking. Luckily you barely pause for breath. “What happened to our dreams of caring for one another, of making this world fairer and kinder for everyone? What happened to our hopes for a brighter, better future?” Ah.
David M Rubenstein
COTM Finance Society

COTM Award – Sep 2020 – David M Rubenstein

And the winner of Cunt of the Month for September 2020 goes to probably the most powerful and odious person on the planet. The Chairman of the Board for the Council on Foreign Relations, David M Rubenstein. Not content with his Billions in the bank and the power to destroy civilisations (quite literally), this month his work with The Carlyle Group (which he owns of course), who own a number
Society Featured

B.L.M. and an unexpected Irony

Delighted to bring you a piece by a new contributor, Aiden Lugg, from his blog Because it matters. Welcome Aiden I hate to break it to you, you are not that multicultural! In the wake of the death of George Floyd, and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement there has scarcely been a social sphere that has not been affected. ‘Little Britain’ and ‘Come Fly With Me’ have