News Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about how we got into this political sh*tfest

1: Where it went wrong “So,” you ask me, “how did it all turn to shit?” What, precisely? “This! This world of ours!” I nod sagely, as if I’ve a clue what you’re asking. Luckily you barely pause for breath. “What happened to our dreams of caring for one another, of making this world fairer and kinder for everyone? What happened to our hopes for a brighter, better future?” Ah.
Socialism Media Politics

UK Labour Party – Unfit For Purpose

Throughout its history the UK Labour party has been sold to us as a “Broad Church”, which is defined  as “a group or doctrine which allows for, and caters to, a wide range of opinions and people” which apparently originated from a description of the Anglican church “favouring a liberal interpretation or doctrine”. I have always had a problem with this loose terminology, and while it may be OK in
Featured Environment Literature Politics Short Conversation Society

A short conversation about a perfect storm

1: Chaos Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be immersed in a perfect storm? Nothing would be predictable from one moment to the next – except for your probable eventual destruction. Chaos all around you… Noise and confusion buffeting you from every side. Solid ground? Even its memory would begin to recede. As a species and a civilisation, that’s where we are now. Our beautiful planet
Corruption Crime Fraud News Politics

Grand Theft Britain

Intro Twitter folk this week had been engaged in discussions about the future of the UK Labour Party in the light of its new leadership. Many differing opinions, claims and explanations about how the current situation came about were put forward. all with merit but often seeming to miss the benefit of an oversight of the process. The Dangerous Globe asked some of its followers if such an oversight might
Corruption Featured Politics

Part 4 – Democracy the Biggest Fraud of all

To begin with, Apologies for Absence   We planned to have this piece ready weeks ago, In January we put in a request to the Electoral Commission asking when the 2019 Electoral datasets were being published and they advised March. It didn’t happen, so another request last week got the reply, “hopefully by the end of this month”. While all this was going on, along came Covid 19, and, as
Labour Party Split
News Corruption Politics

Labour Antisemitism Full Report

The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 2014 - 2019 The Labour Party, March 2019 Below is the full report of 851 pages, into the investigation of the allegations of antisemitism against Jeremy Corbyn (or a lack thereof). You can also download the original PDF by clicking here. Table of Contents Introduction and Executive Summary........................................................................................... 10 1.1. Executive Summary................................................................................................................. 11 1.2. Scope and
News Media Politics

Part 3 – The Role of the Press in Election rigging

This is the third part in a series about the rigging of the 2019 December UK general election where we focus on the role of the British press in delivering the extreme right wing governments of Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings, and the United States. Note :-I planned put a small personal story here to illustrate the root cause of my anger but my editor said I was “rambling off topic
News Media Politics

Part 2 – The Role of the BBC in 2019 Election rigging

The BBC Purpose and Mission statement is crystal clear:- (With thanks to @poetinpyjama who did a great deal of the work that made this possible) Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which  Inform, educate and entertain". I watched hundreds of hours of BBC News programming over the last 3 years  connecting the News coverage