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The be-all and end-all

It has now been a week since Brexit. A week for sovereignty to be regained, a week to send out the 50p’s, and a week for the United Kingdom to remain afloat. From Boris Johnson’s majority government, to estimating what the future holds. Alternatively, the past week has meant that the media’s concentration on Brexit has allowed the ever growing inequality within the United Kingdom to be overlooked once again.
News Politics

The R Word

See it, say it, sorted. What makes it any different when it comes to racial abuse? Over the last few weeks, the Conservative party have deliberated who would make the best Prime Minister for our country. In a time of great uncertainty, who will be able to handle the Brexit instability? Who will be able to act accordingly for the ongoing climate catastrophe? Importantly, who will best represent the people?
Reports Business Politics War

Why just “Friends of Israel”?

Why just "Friends of Israel"? Whats wrong with "Friends of the rest of the world"? Stop the world I want to get off In the UK, since the days of Thatcher, have been told that Society doesn’t exist and that all Humans are simply motivated by self-interest. If you stop and think for a moment, its complete Bollox, but plenty of people bought into it anyway,  attracted by the promise
News Culture

Straight pride’s calling is to silence homosexuals, not uplift heterosexuals.

What’s all the fuss about? June marks Pride month for the LGBTQIAP community. “Where’s our straight pride?!” cries John, white, 56 yo, having never been attacked simply for the love he expresses to his wife and family. June was designated after the Stonewall riots of June 1969, where members of the LGBT+ community were attacked in police raids and began an uprising against their oppression. The normalised behaviour to not

Surveillance everywhere, just not for Boris.

Keeping your nose out of your neighbours business seems to have been a part of the basis on which Boris Johnsons’ neighbour should not have recorded the altercation at Boris Johnsons (Possibly the UK’s next Prime Ministers) current place of residence. The other part of the argument was that recording such an event was a breach of privacy. In an age where we are monitored by so many different surveillance
News Football Politics

UEFA to Expel Brexit Teams

After a historic showing of English football teams in Europe this season, UEFA has announced that they are to expel all British clubs from their competitions after Brexit. This means that British teams will no longer be eligible to compete in any European tournaments, including the International Euro’s. We have learned that the vacant cup places will be shared mainly amongst the, French, German, Italian and Spanish leagues, with the