Featured Society

The God Question

Four year old Frank was sitting with his brother in the bath this week and out of nowhere asked me; ‘do you believe in God, mama?’. I paused before offering up a classic deflection technique; ‘well, what do you believe?’ He didn’t skip a beat – ‘you first’. Damn it. I was raised Catholic but my family aren’t especially devout; as is often the case my Grandparents are, but my parents less
News Mind Plague Socialism Society

Mind Plague 2: Everyone needs a shield of values

In the early decades of the 21st Century human society is faced with a mind plague – a pandemic of disinformation and lies which jeopardises our civilisation and the biological world. This series of short conversations by Luke Andreski discusses the weapons we need if we are to resist this plague: weapons of resistance and attack. The following article, which begins the series, considers the first of our two weapons
Corona Concoction
Video Health Society

The Covid Corona Concoction

At today's GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Corona virus Crisis hearing, GOP-called witnesses Dr. Steven Quay and Dr. Richard Muller said that within the COVID-19 virus were indications that it was created through gain-of-function research. Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, A science-based presentation on the Covid Pandemic, from the Virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response. As a heads-up, it is 4 1/2 hours
Featured Finance Politics

Is capitalism the pinnacle of human achievement?

The great liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith once famously said: “Under capitalism man exploits man. Under communism it’s the other way round.” As Clive Crook wrote in an obituary following Galbraith’s death in 2006: “ If he didn't say it, he might as well have. It has an authentically Galbraithian ring: It seems profound, and it's funny. .. And it is a travesty of the truth.” Let’s imagine for a second
Video Politics Terrorism War

The Middle of the Middle East

Two videos which go a very long way to clearly explaining the past and current madness that is the Israel vs Palestine "conflict". The as always excellent Abby Martin's in-depth report and to try to lightening the sickening mood, Frankie Boyle explains in his own inimitable way, just why we should all be outraged. Previewing Abby Martin’s on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of
Broken umbrella in the wind and rain
Featured Society

A paper boat in a storm: managing stress in the capitalist workplace

I work for one of the largest Universities in the UK which seems to think that rather than delivering world class teaching and research, its main purposes are to keep its staff on their toes with constant restructuring and to run a budget surplus (I'll come to this later). This restructuring inevitably leads to uncertainty for staff and usually involves recruitment freezes as well as voluntary redundancy measures. Despite often
Featured Politics

Strong Britain; Divided Nation?

Creating division is nothing new in British politics, especially under conservative governments. The public are constantly pitched against each other: immigrants v 'British' people (whatever that means); working v unemployed; young v old; everyone v Muslims and so on. The government's latest focus (with help from cross-party MPs, I should add) - which in itself is nothing new - is dividing white working class people from non-white working class people.
The 21st Century Lies Pandemic
News Culture Mind Plague Politics

Mind Plague 1: The 21st Century Lies Pandemic

Greed is good These human-made phenomena combine to broadcast and support a socially divisive and eco-catastrophic narrative: the chosen world-view of state elites and the hyper-acquisitive 0.1%. I’ve described this narrative, not entirely hyperbolically, as a mind plague: malign, viral ideas which are causing us all harm. Ideas like these: – We’re competitive by nature; evolution designed us that way, so that’s how we should behave – The economy self-balances…