Democracy extinct
Featured Society

Democracy Under Attack

How much do you value democracy? Seems an odd question to ask, doesn’t it? So ingrained is the idea that we live in a parliamentary democracy that, rather like the NHS, it will not be until it is gone that people will realise just how much they valued it. I don’t want to be alarmist but the very fabric of our right to call ourselves a democracy is under a
Featured Business Society

The Gentrification Effect

Growing up in a lower middle class bastion had it's many difficulties: Dealing with moving from several apartments, forced to attend public schools, always making ends meet by the skin of our teeth. Not to mention my parents divorce which made matters all the more unseemly. All the times throughout childhood thinking how I would never want to spend the rest of my life in the neighborhood I felt was,
Italy with the Euro Cup
Featured Football Society

The beautiful game

England 1 Italy 1 (Italy win 3-2 on penalties) So, England lost the Euro Championship final in a not overly thrilling match in which they took an early lead through Luke Shaw. A lead that gave them a, quite possibly, undeserved confidence as the Azurri struggled to hit the rhythm we knew they were capable of in the first half. Insigne, in particular, seemed determined to allow the English to
Featured Finance Society

The Death of the U.S. Working Class and Rise of Ultra Capitalism

There hasn't been a more unfortunate consequence of  modern day society than that of the virtual disappearance of the working class, AKA middle class. The spread of an ultra-capitalist, feudalist system, where making even a modest living is becoming almost obsolete, is sending a clear message of not only who will forever run things but also who the really important ones are. Hedge fund managers, CEO's of Defense Corporations, Wall
Freedom MLK
Featured Society

Reasons to be hopeful

Generally when I sit down to write an article I’m pretty clear what I want to write about and very clear on the positive note I’m going to end on. But, this week I have been filled with a growing sense of despondency. A despondency which turned to anger as it began to dawn on me just how selfish and short sighted many of my fellow citizens can be. This
Featured Health Society

If not now, when?

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabon on Unsplash “If not now, when?” has been asked a lot recently in terms of ending the remaining COVID restrictions. For what it’s worth, although COVID-related hospitalisations and deaths are lower than they’ve been for a while, that is against the backdrop of truly horrific statistics that many of us have become immune to (no pun intended). As I write, almost 50% of the population
Featured Society

Is it time for committed anti-racists to ‘Stand Up To Racism’?

Saturday last week, I attended the People’s Assembly ‘National Demo’ in London. The demo was to raise awareness and protest a number of long-standing issues, and to call for a ‘new normal’ post-Covid. The demands included (not an exhaustive list) the following: ending austerity and committing to tackle poverty, funding our NHS and giving nurses a much deserved and needed pay rise, protecting our environment, an end to Israeli apartheid, withdrawal of
Video Health Society

The “Vaccine”

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 injections, here to discuss his concerns over their safety, and the way in which these genuine concerns are being suppressed and outright censored in real time. Dr. Peter McCullough, here to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine push and how this agenda has overshadowed, whether by ignorance or dishonesty, the viable and efficacious alternative treatments that many experts have been
Video Politics Society

American Sadism

Author, activist, teacher and dissident Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on June 27, 2021. In this talk Chris speaks about sadism, which he says: -Now defines nearly every cultural, social and political experience in the United States. -Is expressed in the greed of an oligarchic elite that has seen its wealth increase during the pandemic by $1.1 trillion while the country has suffered