Corruption Featured Finance Politics

Chatham House

POWER AND CORRUPTION: THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE IMPERIAL MAFIA Posted on May 15, 2024 by Paul Cudenec   Chatham House, the name commonly given to The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an extremely influential “think tank” based in London.  It has enjoyed the patronage of the British monarchy for a century now, with Charles III recently joining the list of royal backers. Director Bronwen Maddox said on May 9 2024: “Chatham House
Corruption Covid 19 Featured Terrorism

Lab-Leak Theories?

Did Covid 19 originate in a Laboratory? The following list isn't just Lab leaks, but they do form the bulk of it. Taken altogether they provide total justification for Barak Obama to call a moratorium on "Gain of Function" activity in 2014, until such issues could be properly evaluated. We got fed up with waiting for that so we are doing our own evaluation right here right can help
Featured Corruption War


Another piece from Winter Oak, in which Paul Cudanec takes a somewhat deeper look into Wars and the people that make a living out of "cultivating" them. With the assault on Gaza by Israel splashed all over the headlines on a daily basis, it might be worth remembering that the Rothschilds had a major part to play in the foundation of Israel in the first place. Tony Broomfield Snr Editor
Reports Corruption Globalisation Society


Reposted on November 16 2023, by Dangerous Globe, for the simple reason that the more you learn,  the more the dots join up  into one big picture. It is not a theory any more, it's just a Conspiracy. TONY BLAIR AND THE ROTHSCHILDS OriginalPosted on November 14, 2023 by Paul Cudenec _ There is something very odd about the way that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has never quite left
Featured Corruption Globalisation

WEF: For The Hatred of Life & Truth

Another piece from Paul Cudanec with which we agree entirely. We are supposed to believe that turbo charging the capitalist perpetual growth system, which began in the steam era and ended with dead oceans and treeless forests, is suddenly going to deliver a green and pleasant world  by 2030. The likelihood of this happening is on a par with the possibility of viewing the northern lights from the deck of
Reports Corruption Health Science

Shaping the Message

1                  FOREWORD   This piece is all about those tools and who sharpens them, or not, as the case may be.. 2      Unfinished Business In a recent Dangerous Globe piece from 29 July this year called “5 Bedtime Stories”, one of them was about Aspartame, and in it I wrote about a scientist, Dr Ralph Walton, and some claims he made on-camera. He stated that the ‘full story was available
Featured Corruption Society

A Developing Evil

Another piece by Paul Cudanec, written last year (2022), asking some pertinent questions about development and what it really means. Like most things these days there are meanings....and there are alternative meanings. Development is progress, advancement a way forward with our lives and generally good for everyone, at least that was what I thought some time ago...well 60 years ago maybe. But then I saw the money involved in "Development",
Featured Corruption Environment Fraud Politics

Anti-Life & Anti-Truth -The WEF

An original post by Winter Oak, who again seems to hit the nail on the head. You can call yourself what you like and write and speak volumes of blether all day long, but who and what you are is defined by your actions and deeds, and we have been down the Schwabian path before. (Worth noting the WEF emphasis on the so called "Global Public-Private Partnership" in which the
Lots of Attennas
Reports Corruption Fake News Propaganda

Propaganda 102 SLIMING the Public

I was recently working on a piece about 5G communications and came across a small gem of a book written by Susan Pockett, a researcher from New Zealand. It is called “Electrosmog” (2021) and if you are at all interested in the 5G “discussion” you can download it here In Chapter 4 of the book Susan discusses the strategies used by Telecom Corporations and their pet PR/lobby group soldiers to