
Vote for the UK Labour Party?

A Twitter thread by Mark Whyte, aka @LeftywokeMark ...on voting for the UK Labour Party I am really getting fed up with the "If you don't vote for Labour you are enabling the Tories to Rule "Brigade, so I am going to say my piece. Labour under Corbyn ignited a fire in me so great, even though I had been a lifelong Labour voter (I'm 55 y.o) and had never

Russiagate revisited – The Ukraine War

Another gem from Caitlin Johnstone, that explains why we are where we are right now Re-Visiting Russiagate In Light Of The Ukraine War From Caitlins Newsletter 28th March 2022   It's hard to believe that the last president spent his term pouring weapons into Ukraine, shredding treaties with Russia and ramping up cold war escalations against Moscow which helped lead us directly to the extraordinarily dangerous situation we now find ourselves in,
Featured Business Politics

Demise of the Petrodollar

If you're not quite sure what the Petrodollar is, it's pretty uncomplicated. Back in the 1970's, at the height of the oil crisis, United States President Richard Nixon conceived an economic master plan. He offered to help defend Saudi Arabia from their burgeoning Middle East rivals. In exchange for that promise, the Saudi kingdom assured all of its oil production be traded in USD (energyandcapital.com). This strategic stroke of genius
Small acts of resistance
Featured Politics Short Conversation Society

Small Acts of Resistance – A Users Guide

Is it time? Peaceful protest suppressed. Brutal policing encouraged. A divisive Home Secretary. A deceitful PM. An increasingly sham democracy.   Tell me, is it time to rebel?   A Resistance Library Here are 67 small acts of resistance from @EthicalRenewal on Twitter, documented by the Ethical Renewal collective alongside followers and friends. Any selection may be suitable to your personal circumstances, or none at all. @EthicalRenewal are anti-authoritarian pacifists,
Featured Politics War

Twelve Thoughts on Ukraine

Twelve Thoughts On Ukraine. by Going Rogue with Caitlin Johnstone.   Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the goal of which he claims is not to occupy the country but to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” it. We've no reason to put blind faith in any of those claims. Only time will tell. As of this writing dozens have reportedly been killed so far. All war is horrific. We can only hope that
Corruption Featured Media

Propaganda 101

Acknowledgement  I want to start with an acknowledgement to a book  I re-read recently called “Trust Us We’re Experts” by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, published 2002 - eISBN: 978-1-101-14406-0. The whole book is excellent, and an eye-opener for anyone interested in how large groups of people can be manipulated by propaganda and what it can lead to. The last Chapter (11) is titled “Questioning Authority”, and I have used the whole
Saudi Oil
Featured Politics War

Saudi Arabia: Human Rights, Oil and the Modern Monarchy

2019 in Saudi Arabia, one of the richest nations in the world, to be a female today must've felt like you were back in 8th century. Despite promised reforms by the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (being of the opposite sex meant) you couldn't drive a car, travel without a male guardian or report sexual abuse by a spouse/ partner. According to Amnesty international, laws weren't just draconian for women.
Medical Corruption
Featured Corruption Fraud Health

Ivermectin- Fiction or Fact?

INTRODUCTION It is often true that you cannot immediately see the full picture until you have started the process of finding out what is REALLY going on. In  73 years I have lost count of the times I have heard politicians and  "experts" speak straight to camera and lie through their teeth. How do we know this? They nearly always get caught, and the truth comes out. "I did not
Short Conversations About Everything That Matters: Volume Two - During The Storm
Featured Literature Politics

Book Review: Short conversations about everything that matters

Book Review: Short Conversations about everything that matters; Volume 2 During the Storm by Luke Andreski, Author and Philosopher. ISBN 9798762047951 Second book in the series “Short Conversations” by Luke, and a very important book for anyone slightly interested in making sense of Planet Earth 2021. To begin with, let me explain that we at The Dangerous Globe, came across Luke Andreski over a year ago, during our own search for