Featured Corruption Fake News Media Politics

BBC: The Propaganda Prostitutes Part 1

Introduction In the last 15 years of my working life I found myself reading books again, after a bookless half century. It was my work schedule that I have to thank for it. I became a consultant in the geophysical industry travelling worldwide, to places very remote, living in caravans, portacabins, ships and tents. Long hours in the evening needed filling. Passing through Amsterdams Schiphol airport, sometimes 4 times a
Corruption Featured HIstory Politics Terrorism

Canada and the Ukraine

Dangerous Globe Foreword If you are not sure what Banderites and Banderism refer to its about Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian politician and there is a short explanation of him and the movement at the end of this page. The entire piece which follows is the reproduction of a piece by Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet.Org under a Commons sharing Licence. (license CC BY-NC-ND) For the record, The Dangerous Globe is a

Ukraine alone makes Joe Biden the worst

Once again we are duty bound to repost Caitlin Johnstones new piece simply because it hits yet another nail square on the head. It also illustrates very clearly what an oxygen bandit Joe Biden really is. (It also highlights how "Made" he is too) Worth also noting that Bidens whole administration is populated by CFR people - almost exclusively Hot from Caitlins Newsletter at https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/ukraine-alone-makes-biden-the-worst?s=w     Antiwar libertarian hero
Russia vs Ukraine
Featured Media Politics War

Russia vs Ukraine: War Crimes, Propaganda and the Scourge of Modern Warfare

Russia vs Ukraine. We hear so many reports of genocide and war crimes from the iron tentacles of the Mainstream Media you'd think Mariupol is comparable to Riga, Latvia circa 1941. And folks it's certainly far from that. I've seen the footage from Bucha, whom do we believe when anyone with a camera and youtube account these days are deemed journalists? The reports from "professional" news source, Reuters are at
Featured Media War

The Proxy War in Ukraine

This is a Twitter thread posted by @NatalieStrecke which asks why "The Left" seems to always adopt a fixed "For/Against "stance for any set of given circumstances. We posted it in the light of a Twitter pile-on we experienced the other day relating to the Ukraine war. Apparently our efforts to point out that the US was up to its neck in building the situation that led to the war
Featured Environment Poetry

Apocalypto (Poem from Junkie Spirit Collection)

Apocalypto Currency in crypto Any day the world will break apart You won't be saved by a liberals bleeding heart. No solution from the fools on the hill Mental anguish, can't be cured by a magic pill. Environmental catastrophe, It's seems big brother's always after me. Could it be true or just another conspiracy? Every word I say they're really hearing me What's in store for 2022? More strife and
1984 Thought Crime

Is Conspiracy Thinking a Bad Thing?

The fear of being accused of "conspiracy thinking" makes it almost impossible for many people to even think about “radical power shifts” let alone make them a topic for discussion or action. The real conspiracy theory is that if people are scared and intimidated about openly discussing big issues like Covid, Ukraine or The Reset B*ll*x, they will be happy to sit wallowing in ignorance and too frightened to go
Featured Covid 19 Media

NY Times Latest to Mislead Public on New Ivermectin Study

The Following piece is © 03-31-2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.  The article in its entirety is as follows NY Times Latest to Mislead Public on