Featured Business Environment

Shell Out

Climate crimes have perpetrators; they also have facilitators. For years, Shell has knowingly funded our climate crisis. Now this morally bankrupt company is positioning itself as part of the ‘zero carbon’ solution (while continuing to invest the vast majority of its capital in fossil fuel extraction). It is shameless greenwash. By accepting Shell’s money, complete with 'gagging clause’ not to do or say anything that might embarrass their sponsor, the
Faked Fake News
Featured Media Politics

Faked Fake News

INTRODUCTION We started the Dangerous Globe in 2016 in a world still blissfully still unaware of the delights of “Fake News” or Kelly Anne Conway’s ludicrous ‘Alternative Truths’. We were just as unaware of Brexit, Novichok, Trump, Skripal, Covid, Johnson or even Kelly Anne Conway herself come to that. 2 Ex-Pat Brits, based in the Netherlands, with a bit of computing power, a smattering of European Languages, and a strong
Are we finally on the eve of destruction?
Featured Politics

Are we finally on the ‘eve of destruction’?

In this week’s Socialist Hour I started by using a song by Barry McGuire called the “Eve of Destruction” to discuss the current political situation. It probably reveals something of my current state of mind because if the past 16 months have taught us anything at all it is that the political classes almost without exception across the globe have failed miserably when it comes to confronting a crisis. When
Featured Politics

The Future of U.S. Politics: Progressivism, Trumpism and the Great Divide

It's safe to say the passing of the 1.4 trillion dollar stimulus package was a positive step for the left-wing Progressive community in the United States when it was slipped through the US Senate in March. Statistics showed at the time it potentially could've been the most important piece of legislation designed to improve the lives of a the lower middle class since the New Deal domestic programs by Franklin
Israeli Palestinian Peace
Featured Society

How to support the Jewish community without being anti-Palestinian

And my experiences of the weaponization of antisemitism in Jersey. 2020 has continued our clear descent as an international community into neo-fascism. There are many excellent articles, that I could not hope to improve upon that have been written on this subject, so I will not cover this issue, but will recommend a brilliant book I read last year by Jason Stanley — ‘How Fascism Works — The Politics of Them
This is fine
Featured Environment

Who left the oven on?

There have been many changes to our way of life since the turn of the 20’s. So much optimism for roaring 20’s parties and ambition, which quickly turned into fallen topside down melted ice creams. 2021 is the year officially, where Chocolate went from being a cupboard food, to a fridge food. The years of English people moaning about the overcast crap summers are over, almost in a painful blink
Featured Politics Society

US/UK Homelessness the Scourge the Government Doesn’t Want You to See

It was a quarter passed 9 am, my wife and I had just exited the PATH train from our home in downtown Jersey City, to Penn Station in Newark, NJ. Upon exiting the West end of the transit hub I bared witness to a fifty yard line of dusty blankets, shopping carts, sleeping bags, the occasional tent and lastly the wrinkled faces glazed with sweating in the extreme July heat.
Democracy extinct
Featured Society

Democracy Under Attack

How much do you value democracy? Seems an odd question to ask, doesn’t it? So ingrained is the idea that we live in a parliamentary democracy that, rather like the NHS, it will not be until it is gone that people will realise just how much they valued it. I don’t want to be alarmist but the very fabric of our right to call ourselves a democracy is under a
Featured Business Society

The Gentrification Effect

Growing up in a lower middle class bastion had it's many difficulties: Dealing with moving from several apartments, forced to attend public schools, always making ends meet by the skin of our teeth. Not to mention my parents divorce which made matters all the more unseemly. All the times throughout childhood thinking how I would never want to spend the rest of my life in the neighborhood I felt was,