Culture Health News Society

A Nation of Gluttons: America’s Unhealthy Love Affair With Food

­­­ When examining American society as a whole there's a plethora of character defects that immediately come to mind, there is wide ranging laundry list... infatuation with assault weapons, an unseemly obsession with all things celebrity or, like the focus of this piece, rampant obesity. Just to name a few examples. The United States is a nation of overweight people, and that's putting it gently. In 2015-2016 the average American
Justice News Politics

The Robert Koch Institute

Main Photograph 07.08.2024 - by snapshot-photography/F.Boillot - The RKI protocols suggest: The country's highest epidemic authority was above all a mouthpiece for politics. This is an Q & A interview by journalist, Stefan Rehder, from the Roman Catholic Tagespost, or Daily Post, a German newspaper, with Stefan Homburg, emeritus professor of public finance at the Leibniz University of Hanover. Sen Ed Dangeorous Globe, Tony Broomfield The Robert Koch Institute is the
Featured Culture Internet

TikTok Ban. Time is Running Out: The Social Media Giant Faces US Ban

­Dissecting the proposed US Congress lead banning of the social media stalwart TikTok, one of the most powerful proponents and scapegoats will surely sound familiar. ­Let's start with the demonization of the Chinese. From the origins of Covid, to a wayward spy balloon, and now we have a supposed government sanctioned US civilian information theft campaign via TikTok. It has become ever more apparent that China has taken the place
News Literature

Happy Easter 2024 from a very dangerous globe

This appeared yesterday on the Twitter feed of Remco Van Velzen (@VelzenRemco) and it rang a very loud bell in my mind. With all of the censorial bullshit that the politicians and their masters and ringleaders are spewing out lately it might ring one in yours. When we asked Remco if we could post it here he immediately said "Of Course" Thanks Remco. I had to tweak the translation a bit and
Featured Globalisation Justice Propaganda Terrorism War

After Crushing the Palestinians Who is Next?

Something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently...just how did the Nazi Party sweep across Germany the way it did, carrying so many decent ordinary folk along with it?  Tony Broomfield(Sen Ed)...More on that subject later, meanwhile this, from our friends at Sodium Haze   If we allow them to crush the Palestinians – we’ll be next Picture this. During the rise of the far right in
Featured Justice Terrorism War

Israeli Ground Invasion of Gaza Would Set off Middle Eastern Fight to the Death

The October 7th, 2023, massive surprise attack perpetrated by Hamas militants against several towns and cities in the South of Israel, with all its violence, hostage taking, killing of civilians and now cataclysmic repercussions for the citizens of Gaza is a date that will forever live in infamy. No matter you're position on the most contentious issue in the world for the last 75 years, as human beings we can't
Featured Poetry

Dark Days

The dark days of these last few years, A new war, no need to fight, Totalitarian legacy, A battle of dark versus light. A new disease sweeps through the world, The media swelled the public fears, That broke a generations psyche, With a multitude of tears. Day after day the psyops grew, Of death, despair, infection, Apocalyptic imagery, A solution……gene injection. Locked in, shut down, alone in homes, The elderly
Featured Poetry Society Tech Terrorism

Headless Hounds

Poetry from Caitlin Johnstone. From now on when they talk about "setting the dogs on you", it will have a whole new meaning. They do not make good pets either [Tony Broomfield Senior Editor Dangerous Globe]     Headless Hounds Headless hounds from Boston Dynamics. Headless hounds from Raytheon. Headless hounds in our nightmares huddled shivering under US flags beneath a night sky whose stars were replaced by satellites and