News War

The Answer is “7”

Here’s a clue, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, & Somalia. Got it? They are the places America is currently bombing. Something stinks in America, it’s the media, the unelected war-hawks of the Pentagon, and the $Trillion US arms Industry. The “conflicts” in the countries are all about getting rid of governments the war-hawks don’t like, and the US has spent $4 Trillion waging these “phony” wars, that the Congress
MI5 Andrew Parker American Dad

MI5 Tells Us Water Is Wet

So the head of the Spy unit MI5 has given an interview to the Guardian to warn us of the “Aggressive threat” of Russia toward the UK, so much for keeping secrets. I suppose he is talking about the invasion of Chelsea FC or the Independent newspaper, or maybe large swaths of Kensington being taken over by Russian Oligarchs, but surely we welcomed their open chequebooks with our open arms
Environment Pollution

Bottled Water Battle With Billionaire Polluter

Let us put a face to a name here, it’s yet another “unacceptable face of capitalism” ….and yet another bloody billionaire….80 years old too. Meet Pierre Papillaud. He is listed as a Businessman and his speciality is buying up water supplies. He really makes his money out of selling plastic bottles, which incidentally happen to be filled with water, but as soon as they are empty they get to be
Finance Fraud

Bankers caught at it again.

It turns out that widespread and longstanding failures by the Royal Bank of Scotland (Now part of the Lloyds Banking group), have been causing some concern to the authorities. Way back around 2007/9, 28 struggling small businesses in the Reading area seem to have been given loans by RBS that did not comply with that banks official lending policy (You can say that again!) Senior banker at the RBS, Lynden