Syrian War
News Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 3 - Assad the Puppet, US/Israeli Bombs and No Future On March 15th, 2021 it became 10 years since a war which was born out of the Arab Spring with hopes of overthrowing dictator Bashar Al-Assad and wound up becoming something so much more complex, involving several world powers, numerous proxies and militias, as well as the most brutally barbaric terrorist
News Health Politics

The Enigma of Covid

The date was December 19, 2019, the location, an institute of virology in Wuhan, China, where the most significant and deadly pandemic in more than a century was released upon an unsuspecting, unprepared planet (dates courtesy of The source of the Covid virus is still very much a mystery. Did it really originate and spread from a meat market in the center of the city of the Wuhan, China?
Saudi Oil
Featured Politics War

Saudi Arabia: Human Rights, Oil and the Modern Monarchy

2019 in Saudi Arabia, one of the richest nations in the world, to be a female today must've felt like you were back in 8th century. Despite promised reforms by the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman (being of the opposite sex meant) you couldn't drive a car, travel without a male guardian or report sexual abuse by a spouse/ partner. According to Amnesty international, laws weren't just draconian for women.
Featured Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Pt 2

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 2- Foreign Interventions, Kurdish Militias and the Fall of the Caliphate The Islamic State reached it's territorial peak in the fall of 2014, ISIS controlled 41,000 square miles in Iraq and by the end of 2014 ISIS had taken over a third of Syria (according to The speed at which the outlaw organization was able to conquer such a large
Featured Politics War

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Pt 1

The Decade of War and Catastrophe in Syria: Part 1- Arab Spring and Rise of ISIS The Syrian Civil War is a decade old, March 15, 2011 ( is the official date of the beginning of the most catastrophic conflict I've witnessed in my lifetime. The refugees, civilian casualties and amount of bombs dropped by the Assad Syrian government and numerous foreign nations is nearly impossible to put numbers on.
Climate Disaster
Featured Environment Politics

Climate Change, Are We Witnesses to the Coming Apocalypse?

This summer Hurricane Ida pounded the American states of Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Alabama and Pennsylvania to the tune of 1.4 billion dollars of damage and 33 deaths, according to insurance company Allstate. The total fiscal damage from the 2021 Atlantic Ocean hurricane season was estimated to be 69.13 billion dollars, the fourth costliest tropical season on record. There have been seven hurricanes this year, four of which were
Big Pharma
Featured Corruption Health

How Pharmaceutical Companies and the Healthcare Industry Poisoned Society

In November of 2020 the United States government granted 1.95 billion dollars to Pfizer for Covid vaccine research and testing, according to the New York Times. This billion dollar handout was also given to pressure Pfizer to not only develop an inoculation for Covid but to also expedite the process.  Donald Trump was up against the proverbial clock to rush out a vaccine just months before the election and succeeded
US Prison Over-crowding
Crime Featured Politics

America’s Prison Industrial Complex Explained

This was always going to be the one bi-partisan issue over the last 10 years that was supposed to in for a major reformation. The mass overcrowding of America's prison population, Republicans admitted it was a massive problem for tax payers and Democrats hollered about non-violent offenders including: Drug addicts, dealers and other low level criminals needing rehabilitation instead of hard time. Biden promised over and over again during his
US with Afghan flag
Featured Politics War

Twenty Years of Purgatory in Afghanistan

The date was October 7th 2001 (date courtesy of, major United States cities of New York and Washington were still paralyzed with despondency less than a month after the worst terrorist attacks ever on American soil. The Bush administration along with an impressive coalition including: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and even support from surprising new "allies" Russia and Iran( invaded the Taliban/Al Qaeda despotic regime that were
Politics Finance Society

True Progressive America, Forever a Pipe Dream

How has the jewel of Democracy, the envy of most every other country in the world arrived at the point it is today? Income inequality has never been as prevalent as it is now, and certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned 240 plus years ago. From the late 1940's through the late 1990's the middle class were the backbone of a truly successful democracy but more recently they have