Kylian Mbappe

It’s Getting Silly Now

Manchester City are (allegedly) about to outbid Real Madrid for Monaco striker Kylian Mbappe. For those of you not up to speed on French football, he is an 18 year old striker and apparently worth £90 Mn. So the top clubs are now going to pay more for one single teenager than the total cost of buying an entire club in the same league (West Bromwich Albion, Middlesborough and Sunderland could theoretically be bought for the same price). With Leicester City winning the Premier League last year, haven’t the big boys learned anything ? It is not how much they cost or how much “potential” they have, but rather the desire to play for a club. Likewise, there are numerous examples of young players being given far too much money early on in their careers and then developing into lazy selfish wankers with no sense of loyalty or professionalism. When will this madness stop ? I guess when fans decide to follow a team that is actually part of a football club and not a multinational publicly trading PLC conglomerate.

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Lord Fuzztone
Isn't it about time us 99.999999999% started a revolution and took back control from the cunts who are destroying our world ?
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