News Fraud Politics

The Great British Brake-Off.

Sunday 05 January 2020

I revisited this article a couple of days ago to check a couple of things and it struck me as being rather difficult to read, which may explain the poor number of responses to it. I have cleaned it up a bit in the hope it may be a bit easier now…and carry a bit more weight in the light of what has happened to UK politics since I first wrote it nearly 3 years ago. I find it often helps to understand the future a bit better by revisiting the past.I also feel that the beautiful lead Image from Brad deserves the best possible report underneath it to do it justice


The UK parliamentary system is one of the oldest and robust in the world. While Brexit has tested that system almost to breaking point, through the actions of politicians this last few years, Parliament has managed to survive so far, but I wonder if it will survive post Brexit.

During the last half century, the UK has never been so internally divided. The nation is split in half and an armchair civil war is being fought on the pages of Facebook and Twitter, and the surrounding blogosphere. The media want us to believe that this division just “Happened”, as though it were an act of nature, but the reality is that this yawning chasm was completely and deliberately man-made, NOTHING “Just happens” in politics.

I don’t believe for one second that Brexit was just an accident or some kind of organic uprising of the “ordinary” folk. That will come soon because people are finally waking up to find out just what a load of sleazebags our politicians really are, but the real revolution is not quite cooked yet, give it a few more years in the oven. People will only stand so much crap before reacting. The current “spontaneous” uprisings and demonstrations are the stuff of manipulation and propaganda, and anything but spontaneous.

The people have spoken on Brexit, since the Referendum the whole nation has become expert in the subject, it’s a triumph for Democracy! But is it? I don’t happen to think so.

“If you want to know what’s going on in the world follow the money” a well-worn maxim often attributed to the wrong people when it seems it just came from the movie, “All the President’s men”. Even as a work of fiction then, it has become a good maxim in reality and if you apply it diligently it really does point you to “Whodunnit”

Maybe it’s because money seems to be the only thing that’s important to everyone these days, certainly the politicians of this Planet.

The whole Brexit thing was planned and executed brilliantly, and one thing I know for certain is that because so many people were involved in “The Grand Design”, the truth will inevitably leak out, the winners can rarely keep their mouths shut. We will find out what really took place in 2016 even if it isn’t quite the “Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but The Truth.” It just takes time, and maybe a little “incentive”

Let us look at a few basic “facts” as of mid 2016

Brexit was landed on our plate by David William Donald Cameron, a Conservative, and a staunch (His words not mine) supporter of the European Union.

UKIP the UK “Independent” party, (but not Independent of Private Funding) had for some time been chiselling support from all parties to add to its own, based on nothing more than rhetoric specifically blaming the European Union for ….

  1. Immigrants swamping the country, stealing our jobs, raping our women yadda yadda
  2. Britain no longer controlling its borders because of EU regulations.
  3. Britain losing its “Sovereignty” to the EU and unable to make its own legislation.  Interference by EU courts in British affairs.
  4. Britain paying the EU £350 Million a week for membership.
  5. Britain being excluded from the decision to accept Turkey into EU membership (Something that Britain didn’t want to happen).

All of the above are falsehoods whipped up by a media seemingly bound to a pact to remove the UK from the EU. It is reported that when Rupert Murdoch, was asked by Anthony Hilton at the Evening Standard about leaving the EU, he ‘When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.’ Murdoch now denies this, but then he would wouldn’t he.

A few more notes about UKIP and its influence on the other parties

  • UKIP, was not particularly successful in the UK parliament, but had broad success fielding MEP’s for the European Parliament, who had an appalling record and reputation in the EU for lack of attendance at meetings and voting sessions, but an apparent eagerness to claim their large salaries and expenses, (and ultimately the Pension pot)
  • The Conservative view was that there was a “Wave of anti-European disillusionment in the UK” at the time of the election.
  • The Labour view was that any such wave had been created by UKIP and had scared the Conservatives into having the Referendum fearing loss of Tory seats to UKIP.
  • The Main Stream Media view was that controversial politics and elections are bloody great earners, and the more bullshit that’s printed or spoken, the more money there is in the bank.

A couple of observations by us on the subject of Brexit

  • The referendum was ALWAYS only about leaving the EU, and NOT about losing access to the single market place and the Customs Union.
  • The referendum was an Advisory one, not legally binding on any party.
  • Since the death of Margaret Thatcher, there has been a persistent bombardment of anti EU propaganda from all quarters of the UK media circus, primarily constructed of Lies and Falsehoods. The link takes you to an index of over 600 of them.


Nobody has come forward to claiming who REALLY started Brexit yet, and we are still working on finding out. (Note From Ed, we think we did get deep down to the bottom of it and said so here a while later, now back to the original text…)

We can start with the three stooges that played the leading roles, namely Nigel Farage, Michael Gove, and Boris Johnson. They led the charge in the “Get out of Europe Stakes”, each taking turns as pacemaker, sharing the limelight. Funnily enough, when they passed the winning post and the referendum was won, they all disappeared. Like rats up a trouser leg… not even returning to claim the trophy. I don’t think they ever expected to win, they were stunned with the size of their own stupidity. In any event it all went suspiciously quiet for a while. It was almost as though they were all awaiting further orders. It took some time before any of them stepped in front of a camera. Very suspicious.

The media says that Brexit was brought about by “a wave of public popularity”, funny that’s exactly what they said about Donald Trump…Hold that thought. The word Populism keeps appearing in the media lately, and I think people feel it’s a good thing, when in fact it isn’t. Adolf Hitler was the ultimate populist and look where that took us.

You don’t get a “Wave” of any kind of sentiment from the British public without a damned good reason. Left to their own devices the British are a level headed bunch of folk who want to get on with their lives. Brits are far from hysterical, even on a bad day. So “The Wave” needed some external Power supply to generate it. No group of blokes in the pub, or rebel ladies in the W.I. rose up in rebellion against the EU. If the people didn’t start it, and the government didn’t start it, it must have been either Industry or its twin Brother, Capital? What could industry possibly gain from upsetting the EU apple-cart? Well we have a theory about that one, which can wait for another report.

Let’s focus on the Money/Capital/Billionaires. It needed money to drive the campaign, and people with a financial interest in leaving the EU.

The Neoliberal economy has bled the working and middle classes dry over the last few decades . It was first introduced by Margaret Thatcher at the behest of her chum, Ronny Reagan. The model was stretched to breaking point by Tony Blair (Wearing a Sky Blue Pink rosette on a pin striped suit). Between them plenty of Billionaires whizzed through the revolving door between Whitehall and Silicon Valley

This Neoliberal model shouts, “Hands off our Businesses, we know what we are doing! The market decides on what rules we need and we accept no government interference. Rules and regulations are stifling industry and the rule books have to be torn up”

Note that this includes the rights of workers and consumers, the protection of the Environment. The protection of people and property by Health and Safety regulation is also frowned upon. These demands are not being made by poor people struggling to make a living, but by billionaires trying to maximise profit.

This model was originally confined to Big Business and Industrialists, but more recently has been shown to include the Banking and Financial sector plus an ever increasing number of politicians and members of Government.

Let’s look at some numbers about politicians: –

  • Across all parties the number of MP’s who are renting properties for profit has grown to 196.
  • A significant number of active Politicians and their advisors simultaneously benefit from business relationships within the NHS
  • 2,800 active directorships are held by Westminster politicians, and according to The Business Insider UK, only 40% of these are declared on the register of MP’s business interests.
  • The NHS has been systematically hollowed out from within for years. Its the standard Privatisation strategy used by right wing governments. Nobody seems to care anymore.

UK business community, and the Governments operate hand in hand, backscratching. The rule of neoliberalism requires a “Government Hands Off our Business” approach. No conflict here? Much?

This war of ideologies of course produces casualties, and it’s usually us, the public at large. Let’s face it, who needs clean oceans and rivers, or the safe testing of Drugs, foodstuffs and chemicals, and why must we reduce atmospheric pollution & CO2 outputs? Don’t we realise that it costs the corporations a lot of money? Bloody EU regulations getting in our way! The money would be much better spent on CEO bonuses and sweetening shareholder dealings. With the “Horrendous” pressure Industrialists are under they would obviously make more money by leaving the EU.

So are we safe in the hands of big business then? No, we are not at all safe, the Neoliberal Industrial machines of the US and UK (Big Business straddles the Atlantic with ease) may be allergic to Rules & Regulation, but there is a growing body of opinion among economists that Neoliberalism doesn’t even work on any level, let alone in economics, where it was supposed to be everyone’s saviour.

The whole thing is a giant confidence trick.

The USA used to have an amazing reputation for regulation of extremely important areas. Once world leaders in FDA regulations, Emissions and Car Safety regs, thanks to Ralph Nader and many others. But then came the Neoliberal Economists, the Austrian School, and it all went to Free Market rat-shit.

Do you remember last year’s scandal about Volkswagen faking emissions tests on Diesel engines? Scandalous but predictable behaviour by a multinational corporation grabbing lots of media attention. Sold to us as a “one off whoops-a-daisy” event, it turns out it happens all the time. Business as Usual for corporations all over the globe.

After the initial event, the media commentators told us we should have known about it all along.  “Everybody knows that… are you naive or just stupid?” someone wrote to me. This is the standard orchestrated response to deflect blame from the guilty to us, the innocent bystanders. To be honest we should all be aware of this ploy by now, but we have got past caring. It makes me angry to be treated like this.

Databases compiled by the Corporate Research Project, tell a very different story about how we are treated by Corporate interests.

Inside the CRP we find the Violation Tracker,* listed as “A database on corporate misconduct”, and inside there is a sad and sorry tale of corporate greed, arrogance and downright dishonesty, please take a look for yourself,

I am just going to give you 2 lines of data,

No1        Offences against the Environment

Data from 2010 – 2015,                 702 Penalty Records – Total penalties $64,502,465,910.

 No2        Offences against Consumer protection law

Data from 2010 – 2015                   260 Penalty Records – Total penalties $9,771,087,864.

*BTW a brilliant site with a wealth of information on how big business rips us off.

Are we safe in the hands of big business? No we are not! Big business is taking the piss out of consumers, laughing all the way to the bank. We are reaching a point where the plutocracy trades worldwide, without needing a tax base. No Tax base? No need to pay taxes! (As long as they can access our bank accounts, pension funds and credit cards).

I digress, back to the “Brexit is a spontaneous public protest”, bullshit being sold by the Corporate media. Corporate interest was at the bottom of building the “massive wave of public disillusionment”. It was fabricated by the rhetoric and spin of the three stooges I mentioned earlier. Just add Murdoch for an instant result.

Like hundreds of politicians before them, they are  guaranteed their slice of the Corporate Pie when they leave Politics. They will be magically reincarnated into the afterlife of the Boardroom and After Dinner speaking at £200k/Hour.

Be honest, who else has cashed in big style on Brexit…did you, I know I didn’t, I lost about 30% of my pension.

The next few years will be the making or breaking of Democracy, and frankly I am not optimistic


Feb 2017

Another great site by the Dangerous Globe

Another great site by the Dangerous Globe

A free to use, comprehensive and independent search engine which is about to become your favourite.

TheReal.News is a search engine that has had the spin removed. We use sites that we have studied for some time and monitored for integrity and we don’t use sites that we have seen which either spin or lie their way to the front page. Everybody is biased in some way or they aren’t breathing, but Bias and Bollocks are not the same thing.

People that tell the truth are quite easy to find because they cite references and sources to back up what they say. The opposite is also true.

Please spread the word
Bloemenstein Whistlehuizen
The worst thing about censorship is XXXXXXXX.
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