Featured Media Politics

The Professor, the Journalist and Censorship

A conversation between a Dutch Professor, Cees Hamelin, a former UN advisor to Kofi Annan and Journalist Karel Beckman from the Cafe Weltschmerz, a very thoughtful Dutch news website. The subject matter is based on the fact that YouTube (aka Google aka Alphabet) saw fit to ban two Cafe Weltschmerz video programs. Here they discuss the reasons and ramifications of this censorship, from both a scientific as well as a
Pokemon in prison
Gaming Culture

3.5 Years Jail For Pokemon Hunter

We wrote last October that Russian YouTube vlogger Ruslan Sokolovsky faced up to 5 years in prison for playing Pokemon Go in church. After recording and posting the hunt online to his 300,000 followers, he was visited by the law and has been accused of "offending religious sensibilities". To be fair, the Russian government did issue a warning to its citizens first but they have now confirmed the prosecutors are

Todays Musicians Still Not Worthy of YouTubes Money

In a story that has been circulating for many years now, we think we have finally found the answer. The reason musicians don't get paid what they think they should from YouTube, is basically because they are not worth it. On a side note, we have a "Free Beer for Life" competition running for the first person who brings us the severed heads of anyone involved with Owl City (the music