Featured Mind Plague Politics

Mind Plague 6: Kate’s Garrotte

We are fighting an asymmetric comms war – a war which, if lost, jeopardises not only the fabric of our society but the eco-systems on which all complex life depend. Dangerous Globe is featuring a series of ‘short conversations’ by Luke Andreski, looking at the weapons we need if we are to win this war. Luke began the series by looking at weapons of defence: a shield of values, a
Mind Plague Politics

Mind Plague 5: Chaplin’s Stiletto

In the early decades of the 21st Century humanity faces a pandemic of lies, jeopardising the fabric of our society and the environment on which we depend. Dangerous Globe is featuring a series of ‘short conversations’ by Luke Andreski, looking at the weapons we need if we are to overcome our disinformation pandemic. Having looked at weapons of defence, Luke now turns his attention to weapons of attack.   The
Are we finally on the eve of destruction?
Featured Politics

Are we finally on the ‘eve of destruction’?

In this week’s Socialist Hour I started by using a song by Barry McGuire called the “Eve of Destruction” to discuss the current political situation. It probably reveals something of my current state of mind because if the past 16 months have taught us anything at all it is that the political classes almost without exception across the globe have failed miserably when it comes to confronting a crisis. When
The 21st Century Lies Pandemic
News Culture Mind Plague Politics

Mind Plague 1: The 21st Century Lies Pandemic

Greed is good These human-made phenomena combine to broadcast and support a socially divisive and eco-catastrophic narrative: the chosen world-view of state elites and the hyper-acquisitive 0.1%. I’ve described this narrative, not entirely hyperbolically, as a mind plague: malign, viral ideas which are causing us all harm. Ideas like these: – We’re competitive by nature; evolution designed us that way, so that’s how we should behave – The economy self-balances…