Fake Left Vaccine Gang
Covid 19 News Politics

Who’s behind the fake-left vaccine gang?

WHO’S BEHIND THE FAKE-LEFT VACCINE GANG ? A group of mask-wearing protesters in Brisbane, Australia, are gathered behind a banner bearing the words “Pro Vaccine, Pro Health, Anti Fascist” – a nonsensically self-contradictory combination of labels if ever there was one. Using an aggressive tone traditionally reserved for arms dealers, corporate politicians and actual fascists, a woman expresses her hatred for Australians who have taken to the streets to oppose
The Spread of Viruses
News Covid 19 Health

A Voice of Reason

I came across this piece today here... It was in Dutch, and frankly needs to be in English, so here it is. I mailed the publisher and told them what I planned but haven't yet heard back. Hope they do but it's too important that people get to hear a voice of reason for a change. An interview with Professor Menno Jan Bouma, by Ruby Tilanus [caption id="attachment_3870" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
Big Pharma
Featured Corruption Health

How Pharmaceutical Companies and the Healthcare Industry Poisoned Society

In November of 2020 the United States government granted 1.95 billion dollars to Pfizer for Covid vaccine research and testing, according to the New York Times. This billion dollar handout was also given to pressure Pfizer to not only develop an inoculation for Covid but to also expedite the process.  Donald Trump was up against the proverbial clock to rush out a vaccine just months before the election and succeeded
New World Order
Featured Politics Society

Its just…the New World Order

"It's just a mask." "It's just six feet." "It's just two weeks."  "It's just non-essential businesses." "It's just non-essential workers." "It's just a bar." "It's just a restaurant."  "It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals."  "It's just to make the cases go down." "It's just to flatten the curve."  "It's just a few inmates." "It's just to keep others from getting scared."  "It's just for a few more weeks."
Flat Earth
Featured Media Society

Conspiracy Theories: Facts, Fiction and Ridiculousness

I've always been a realist, when it comes to science, religion and especially when it comes to stories of UFO abductions and ghost encounters. Other than your most obvious conspiracy laden assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK when variations of other tales have been brought to my attention over the years, like the Sandy Hook school shooting was staged, along with the 1969 moon landing, I've always politely listened with
Politics of Covid
News Health Politics

Covid 19 – Where do we Stand?

DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the following article belong solely to the author and not necessarily to the members of the Dangerous Globe and/or Creating Socialism.  In today’s Guardian I spotted a particularly nasty piece from the US on the subject of Covid 19 management:- The Republican governor of Alabama has said it is “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for rising cases of Covid-19, amid
Are we finally on the eve of destruction?
Featured Politics

Are we finally on the ‘eve of destruction’?

In this week’s Socialist Hour I started by using a song by Barry McGuire called the “Eve of Destruction” to discuss the current political situation. It probably reveals something of my current state of mind because if the past 16 months have taught us anything at all it is that the political classes almost without exception across the globe have failed miserably when it comes to confronting a crisis. When
Freedom MLK
Featured Society

Reasons to be hopeful

Generally when I sit down to write an article I’m pretty clear what I want to write about and very clear on the positive note I’m going to end on. But, this week I have been filled with a growing sense of despondency. A despondency which turned to anger as it began to dawn on me just how selfish and short sighted many of my fellow citizens can be. This
Video Health Society

The “Vaccine”

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 injections, here to discuss his concerns over their safety, and the way in which these genuine concerns are being suppressed and outright censored in real time. Dr. Peter McCullough, here to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine push and how this agenda has overshadowed, whether by ignorance or dishonesty, the viable and efficacious alternative treatments that many experts have been