Corruption Featured Politics

Part 4 – Democracy the Biggest Fraud of all

To begin with, Apologies for Absence   We planned to have this piece ready weeks ago, In January we put in a request to the Electoral Commission asking when the 2019 Electoral datasets were being published and they advised March. It didn’t happen, so another request last week got the reply, “hopefully by the end of this month”. While all this was going on, along came Covid 19, and, as
Reports Media Politics

The Cummings-Krueger Effect

February 29, 2020 (A true Leap in the Dark day) Tony Broomfield (With thanks to @poetinpyjama who did a great deal of the work that made this possible) Introduction The first piece of a 5 part mystery thriller about the theft of British Democracy and the rigging of UK Elections and Referenda. Rather than an opinion piece, it is an evidence locker, and seeks to present enough material to support
Poetry Culture Politics

No Confidence

The Mother of Parliaments emits a low groan - her confidence shot - as our distrust grows We smell the foul essence worn by the rich - it's the stench of the moneyed on the front bench The PM frowns as her voice thins and strains - repeating her mantras - again and again The deceits are disclosed in emotional stories of neglect and fear under the Tories those perfidious
Reports Business Politics

The Birth of BrExit

In 1997, Liam Fox founded a Think Tank called Atlantic Bridge under the patronage of Margaret Thatcher Liam Fox is on record stating that Atlantic Bridge  had been created to “Defend people of common interests from European Integrationists who would like to pull Britain away from its relationship with the United States”. So not exactly big fans of the Union of Europe even 20 years ago, but great fans of